Well...again this afternoon had to replan the demo with the AMS35i...because it didnt get back to the shop yet. So everything is replanned for January when I am back from Xmas. Already booked a demo for the Jadis 50S and the AMS35i with my speakers.
But since I was in the mood of listneing, I took my amp and my RX6 and went to the dealer where I tried the Plinius SA-103. This time I called in advance so the ampli was warm when we got there. I also used my source (SBT reading from USB stick, not a single problem).
We first compared CD player and SBT on a real time test...same song (as I had CD and the ripped version of that CD on the SBT) and the dealer was amazed to discover how little different there was between a 1100 eur cd player and a 150eur SBT. This difference was really subtle...a good start!
Then we played all my playlist on my Vincent. The dealer also had to admit that for the cost, the sound was correct. Then we finally got the Plinius connected...and even with my RX6 sound was much more powerfull, bass was punchy and intense, very different compared to my Vincent. This is where I found the biggest difference. We played a piano solo song (Ludovico Einaudi, an italian pianist) and the result was stunning. It looked like the piano was there in the room.
Carmina Burana was much better than Vincent...but still you could hear something was missing, sound was boxy...
Where I found an amazing difference straight away was Layla unplugged by Clapton...sound was much more focus, clear, detailed, Eric's voice was much closer, even hands clapping was more...real. I really enjoyed it...a lot, it was difficult to stop listening.
Where I couldn't find that much difference to be honest was in some Diana Kralls songs...it's true that my ears are still going through a learning process.
Then we switched to Kef ref again and tried the whole lot. That was some serious difference again...especially on Carmina Burana and on piano only songs...this was some serious sound. I definitely decided the speakers are going as well...not sure if everything is going at once (then the whole lot needs to wait a little bit) or if I upgrade the amp and hang in there...counting days to switch speaker.
At the hand Plinis SA-103 + Preamplifier was around 10k.
Looking forward to try the AMS35i now and the Jadis...then I will still try Pathos Inpol 2 and decide! I