plastic penguin:maxflinn:
pp, ill upgrade/change/swap/buy whatever i choose, as often as i choose..
i dont have/want/need/ to justify why/what/when.where or otherwise to anyone on here or anywhere...
do yourself a favour and delete the last few silly posts you have made, im going to bed in 20min, if you've deleted them by then ill delete any corresponding posts, and you wont look silly in the morning
If you read the last part of my thread it doesn't make me look silly at all.
"I think there's people on here who actually care, including myself, and although we wouldn't or couldn't stop you from spending your own money, I personally shudder you may commit a big faux pas."
pp, i told you a few weeks ago on another thread that i wanted a change from my monitor audio kit, for a few reasons which i again outlined in my review thread yesterday.
i also told you, after you had asked me, that i couldnt sell my monitor audio kit, but that my dealer would take it back and give me a credit note.
i also told you that as i wanted a change from monitor audio, my other choice for quality speakers was dynaudio, as my dealer is primarily a monitor audio/dynaudio dealer, he does have some budget dalis/mordaunt short/ gear also but that didnt interest me..
so i decided to buy some dynaudio standmounts, my choices were between excite 12/16';s and the dm range, now, seeing as the excite range need room to avoid bass issues, and one of my prerequisites was being able to place my speakers closer to a wall, i figured the dm 2/7's would fit the bill..
so i asked rick, on here, because i noticed that he was running the dm 2/7s with an as-500 what he thought of the combo, and as he had already said to others he told me that he thought it was excellent..
so, i took the plunge and am delighted, ecstatic, over the moon etc etc etc etc that i did, i have a brilliant little system now, and im very happy that i took a leap of faith because i was not entirely happy with my rx6's, as many old posts will testify..
so pp, with all due respect, you're a very nice person and i have no wish to upset you, but can you kindly try and take on board that contrary to what you may think, or others that "care" may or possibly may not think, i am perfectly capable of making these little hifi decisions all by myself, im perfectly capable of spending my own money without committing a "faux pas" and id very much appreciate if in future, threads that i start about a certain subject can remain on that subject, or any other subject in the whole wide world bar
me, as its a trend thats becoming infuriatingly common...
hope we can chat tmw