Air clearance around Marantz hifi


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Could anyone please clarify the clearance required to allow heat radiation around the PM6002 and CD6002. Is it really 20cm and 10cm respectively, as the manuals suggest? The amp and cd are 44cmm wide and 12cm/9cm high respectively.

I cannot find any hifi rack which meets such a recommendation!
I also pondered the same question ... I dont have a record deck, so placed the amp on the top shelf of my rack
Probably the best thing to do is place the amp on the top shelf of the rack
A colleague had a similar issue, so blue-tacked a piece of cardboard to the top-front of the amp, and the back-top of the rack, so the hot air had a slope to rise up and out of.

Still working 2 years on...but not the most asthetically pleasing solution!


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