I just traded my 50pk250 with a 50pk350, caus of a fault, and i'm a but underwhelmed. The picture on the pk250 was really sharp and punchy at a low contrast, but the pk350's seems to lack the punch even at a high contrast.
When i run the picture wizzard on the pk350, the brightness will need to be set at 47. But when i have to set the contrast i cant get a good result, even at a contrast level of 100! The 3 squares are still visibile. Does anyone have that too with the 50pk350?
Yes, it's common of many modern plasma's that they will show those patterns without going to the "correct" image result - set the contrast around 80-85 max for best results, brightness to about 52. Leave it on "Expert" 1 or 2 and try medium colour balance rather than warm if you want more "pop" to the picture, I would tone contrast down to at least 75 on that setting though. That should be a decent starting point, make sure any power saving etc is turned off as well. It will improve a little over time too...