steve_1979 said:
If I remember correctly he said that he'd modified some passive Acoustic Energy hifi speakers and turned them into actives which improved the sound quality. I forget which model it was though.
Found it Steve...
AEJim wrote:
Clare Newsome wrote:
We were just having a discussion about active speakers in the office. We're bemused why more manufacturers aren't offering them as an option - and I mean living-room friendly designs (like the AVIs), rather than more tweaky, pro-audio models.
We're trying to put together a test, and are struggling to find enough (relatively) mainstream options to add! (Eg widely available to demo/buy).
As a manufacturer we'd love to make more active speakers - it takes some of the variables of system matching out of the chain
as well as the design being superior (if done correctly) to the conventional passive crossover/amplification route. In the current climate of growing usage of MP3 player sources it makes more sense than ever.
The problem is market acceptance (Worldwide, not just UK), it seems many members of the general public simply don't "get it". This isn't a criticism but more a case of active speakers being very new to people used to having a traditional stacking Hi-Fi system.
We had planned an active version of the new Compact 1 model (due in June) and in testing it sounds better than the passive version on the end of our Naim Supernait amplifier! The cost would rise from around £150 for the passive to nearer £400-500 for the active pair, while being a considerable saving over using even a very high quality amplifier it seems a large psychological jump.
What has put the project on hold for us, bearing in mind considerable developement time and cost is involved, is that in talking to various dealers who sell other active models it seems they don't really sell in any quantity. This could be down to the dealers not pushing and educating customers, that those models simply aren't that great, too expensive or indeed something else altogether. Either way that feedback mixed with the need to source and test many new components that we don't produce ourselves leaves a fair amount of risk involved.
It's something I'd certainly like to do but we'll need more demand and market maturity in that area before we can really go full-steam ahead. We do have the active Pro products because they are the norm in that market, the domestic Hi-Fi market has always been a little slower to embrace new things though... Not that active speakers are particularly new! This of course means some companies need to lead the way but we already tried that with Bluetooth speakers and WiFi Internet Radios, while they sold well enough they never set the world alight and we don't have the marketing budgets of a Bose or Sony to really do that!
It's a shame because I think the active Compact 1 prototypes we have are pretty special little speakers, it's a little bit of a chicken/egg situation I guess - manufacturers need press and dealers help to promote these kinds of technologies but you guys also need us to be making them to do so!