A techie question.


New member
May 4, 2008
Jumper plates. Copper or rhodium plated copper? Is there any advantage if they are rhodium plated, conductively speaking? Of should you use a cable as it has a lamina?
shooter69:Jumper plates.

Copper or rhodium plated copper?

Is there any advantage if they are rhodium plated, conductively speaking?

Of should you use a cable as it has a lamina?

Sorry, the techie bit went 'swoosh' over my head
, but I can chip in that I replaced standard jumper plates with Odyssey 2 cable and really noticed a difference.
Okay, i couldn't find any reasoning on the www. to purchase the rhodium coated plates so bought the copper and they came in this morning.

Before hand i was using Chord Carnival Silver Plus as jumpers. Why, well the speakers came without jumpers or plates and i had some of it around so it got used.


Is there an improvement in sound with the copper plates, well yes, the top end has more sparkle to it for sure not sure about the mids but the bottom end seams a bit leaner but that could be because i'm listening to the radio via sky but i will do some listening later with vinyl and cd and see.

Was it worth the £20 outlay, definitely. Next change, fuses!
Just stuck on UNKLE new EP The Answer on CD and no problem with lean bass, i'll put it down to the radio broadcast.

Happy days
Alantiggger:Seriously ? I must investigate.

Seriously? Yep but what your referring to in particular Alan I'm not sure, but please do.


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