professorhat said:
AlmaataKZ said:
John Duncan said:
JD, this is an example of dismissive moderation, imo
How can it be? There was no moderation.
If more moderation was actually performed, you'd then have a load of people carping on about their "rights" to free speech and all that malarkey.
As usual, you can't please all the people etc. etc.
I'm fairly new here but I read through a lot before posting, the general tone seems to be generally easy on moderation but there does seem to be a lot of digs and sniping comments which appears to give a dismissive attitude from the moderators. They then have their fans who back them while those who dare to disagree get lumped into a separate group. It does give an air of "not in my gang" from both sides and doesn't create a friendly, inclusive tone.
Other forums either have mods who are not seen unless necessary or who are a good impartial party in discussions prompting debate from both sides. I guess the mods here reflect the opinion of the magazine as it's their forum so can't be fully impartial like those who's only product is the forum itself.