davedotco said:
LTDM, buy the big amp with reasonable confidence. Value for money varies considerably from market to market and the price being quoted looks very good,
At this level, amplifiers are mostly about control, not something that is at all obvious from the specs. Generally better amplifiers will produce greater current and work well into lower or otherwise more difficult loads.
Big speakers, with big bass, need this control more than most and the M5000 should provide it. Get a handle on the sound of the amp/speaker combination before you start to fret over pre-amps.
Have a think about how you see your system evolving too, make sure you get the right functionality when you buy a pre-amp.
Dave, thank you very much for taking the time to share your thoughts - much gratitude. I think I may just pull the proverbial trigger and see what comes to pass. I have about a dozen new CD's arriving shortly so it will be nice to try new music on a new power amp.
With regards to preamp choices and system evolution, I see your point and it is a salient one. Whilst I will certainly consider a preamp with future-looking capabilities (and most likely will go for the matching Onkyo preamp) I doubt that much will really change with the way I listen to this system. What I neglected to mention earlier is "the other woman": we have a home theatre rig consisting of Yamaha RX-V767 (see a pattern?), 4X Dali Lektor 1's, LCR, and B&W 608 subwoofer hooked up to a Sony tele with a couple of DVD/uniserval players, ipod dock, and karaoke machine (don't ask

). The high-techy stuff runs through that one which is mostly the wife's domain as she loves her soap operas and tends to spend her free time thusly engaged. Hey, if that's her gig, I'm making sure she's doing it in style, right? :shifty:
My kit is in the 'listening room" and is my escape from other worldly concerns. I imagine the following will divide opinions and could well leave some people feeling offended - in which case I apologise and do not wish to be seen deriding many people's preferences - but for me the laptop is for work and work only: I cannot seem to relax streaming files from the computer to the hifi as it just feels 'off'. I much rather popping in disc or, if pressed, using the ipod for the odd song I ordered from Amazon. As such, I don't really foresee the need for a USB interface but hey, if it's there I won't complain. So long as the sound quality is unfettered for my preferred media, I'm happy as a clam.
I suppose all that remains now is to order said beast and upload obligatory photos :dance: :dance:
Whilst I'm here, I wonder if I could impose one more question of you good people. Bi-wiring. Devil didn't make me do it but came free with the speakers 8) The speaker leads I have have four individual wires bound together in a single run. Ortofon reference 800 I think if that means anything. With the A-S1000, the manual suggests I plug one pair into the 'A' speaker outputs, another pair into the 'B' speaker outputs and select 'A+B - biwiring' on the front panel switch. The M5000R has only a single pair of binding posts. Using the same cable could I attach some spades to the ends and apply them one over the other on the amplifier's binding posts?