Considering I'm heavily dyslexic I'm surprised that's the only spelling mistake you picked up on in that piece along along with missing words, bad punctuation and sentences generally just garbled messes oh then there the there's I can never get them right. But thankfully I don't type or write much as a creative, but I am getting better at things and I have good and bad days. But thanks for pointing out the mistake ill take it on board and remember the next time.
No such thing as hip hop back then. He was a soul singer.was he a hip hop star too ?!
For the same reason interconnects are.it was meant for trevc but thanks for the reply.
stupid question then but why are the coaxial digital cables available in multiple designs/levels/prices ?
For the same reason interconnects are.
No such thing as hip hop back then. He was a soul singer.
but ones an analogue connection and the other digital - same rules apply ?!
I think there more difference between analog cables than digital cables
I subscribe to the theory that a properly ripped CD (with error correction) to lossless files circumvents all the mechanics in a disc spinner. Then stream the lossless wirelessly to a DAC and you have the best possible quality that your DAC can muster.
Of course it matters. A broken transport won't work and a sub standard one will skip. But there's no subtlety involved.this makes sense to me, even if it means, some of what i have typed above makes me seem dumb or that i'm contradicting myself.
what transport would be needed however to produce a "properly" ripped, sorry, played cd in real time ?
(i have read that the least amount of error correction the better - correct ?)
i believe the quality of a cd transport in a cd player matters, even if the differences are subtle, compared to the cheaper less "well engineered" examples.
Yep. People kid themselves with very expensive versions of either.but ones an analogue connection and the other digital - same rules apply ?!
WHF think mains wires sound different, so their reviews are worthless.There's a review of a £15k Audio Research CDP in this month's WHF. Interestingly, towards the end the piece states that the CD drive sounds better than even hi res files from laptop through the player's DAC - a comparison which should give an advantage to the laptop.
I'm sure that some will think that's the magazine hawking product, but realistically that's not where its advertising revenue comes from. Having never heard a player in that league, I can't comment.
Just as the rippers fail to understand the futility of the whole process of ripping thanks to hi res - streaming which will be the number one source for nearly everyone.@plus 1 The amount of error correction depends on the state of the disc. I have ripped CDs that we're scratched. They would skip in a regular player but after quite a few attempts by the ripping program eventually it would produce a perfectly ripped file. But I will even rip brand new CDs with error correction to get a perfect rip.
It's interesting that topics about CD transports are still being started. It should be common knowledge for about 20 years now that ripping a CD will produce better sound than the most expensive CD player. HiFi-nerds find it impossible to comprehend that it's even possible that a computer with a cheap DVD drive can produce a better sounding file than that same CD played on an extremely expensive CD player.
Just as the rippers fail to understand the futility of the whole process of ripping thanks to hi res - streaming which will be the number one source for nearly everyone.
Rippers are VHS / cassette fans reinvented for the noughties.
Nuances of sound improvement obtained by buying more stuff to hear it/create it while - right in front of their noses there is finally the option to have more for less.
20 years from now ? Active speakers and a streaming device will be the majority choice. Fact.
Ok , you advocate ripping cd because it improves the sound of cd. Cd quality is good enough though ?Most people aren't interested in hi-res. CD quality is more than good enough for music reproduction, especially when people stream to tiny bluetooth speakers. I have a small collection of SACDs, DVD-As and BD-As. The sound is very good if done well. But so is the sound of CDs when done well.
Sorry to hear about your dyslexia millennia - please don't take my ramblings personally. There is not one person on here that is free of mistakes - and why should there be?Considering I'm heavily dyslexic I'm surprised that's the only spelling mistake you picked up on in that piece along along with missing words, bad punctuation and sentences generally just garbled messes oh then there the there's I can never get them right. But thankfully I don't type or write much as a creative, but I am getting better at things and I have good and bad days. But thanks for pointing out the mistake ill take it on board and remember the next time.
I get what you mean Bill but your answer and logic is a little confusing.Look at history, the streamer and actives you mention will in 20 years be like CD & Vinyl is today, Obsolete, however many will still use it (Just as people use CD & Vinyl today) as it’s what they grew up with and like its sound.
In 20 years you will become what you think CD & Vinyl owners are today, as you try to hold on to antiquated streaming.