4 ohm centre with 8 ohm left ,right fronts & surround.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
I had been looking to change all of my speakers but the money had to go somewhere else.I've seen a Linn centre speaker i'd like to try,reduced from around £400 to £125,i feel my present centre is not that great with dialogue & feel i could risk the £125.

It is however 4 ohm my others are all 8 ohm,my receiver can switch from 8 to 6 & the mamual says that at 6 ohm it will drive 4 ohm speakers.Would there be a problem driving 4 & 8 ohm speakers together.
No problem at all (assuming your amp really has no problem driving 4ohm speakers which will dip lower than that at certain frequencies)

But it wont 'gel' with the other speakers you have now, so id recommend not doing it anyways (It wont match 'tonally')
That was something that had crossed my mind,it's just that i'm getting fed up playing with the settings on the centre.Maybe i'll give it a miss & wait till i can change the lot.



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