I had been looking to change all of my speakers but the money had to go somewhere else.I've seen a Linn centre speaker i'd like to try,reduced from around £400 to £125,i feel my present centre is not that great with dialogue & feel i could risk the £125.
It is however 4 ohm my others are all 8 ohm,my receiver can switch from 8 to 6 & the mamual says that at 6 ohm it will drive 4 ohm speakers.Would there be a problem driving 4 & 8 ohm speakers together.
It is however 4 ohm my others are all 8 ohm,my receiver can switch from 8 to 6 & the mamual says that at 6 ohm it will drive 4 ohm speakers.Would there be a problem driving 4 & 8 ohm speakers together.