Not sure the comparisons with surround sound are valid. I think surround sound would have struggled to take off if there were performance issues compared to stereo sound and if everyone had to wear earphones to hear it correctly.
I do take on board the comments on learning to mix surround sound, but I feel that's just learning how to record and present the realistic sound field and ambience correctly, a bit like learning to record film in realistic colour.
My issue with 3D is when there's talk about learning how to shoot scenes to take advantage of it, which is going further down the road of spectacle rather than story. I don't feel that script writers and directors have needed to envision scenes to maximise surround sound, though maybe a few have added the odd deliberate fly through or whatever!
I just don't think it will take off fully until the experience of 3D is clearly superior to 2D, and that's not the case currently for a number of reasons.
But no bleeting here, just opinion, as it was being asked for. Made my decision for the time being a while back and bought a 2D projector.