Ok, because we 2 channel buddies are going to overtake the kind people in the 5.1 job zone, I though I would create a hybrid subject - 2 channel 3d sound songs. About a week ago, I first listened to Madonna Vouge on my hi-fi and I was utterly suprised. When it breaks down for the middle 8 and she goes "Greta Garbo and Monroe Deitrich and DiMaggio Marlon Brando.. Jimmy Dean On the cover of a magazine" (I'm sure you all know it) the words are from along side you! I was utterly amazed! The sound was outside the speakers (ie to the left of the left speaker and right of the right speaker) and there was a constant snapping sound that came from on the ceiling! And then there's the bass at the start... I can guarantee if you get out a copy this evening and give it a blast quite loud preferably you will be amazed. This is not the sort of song I would expect audiophile quality from (and it very nearly is) so PLEASE listen to it whether its tacky and dated or not because I can guarantee it will make you love the good old 2 channel! So on that note, are there any other songs like this people have heard?