2011 Upgrade Plans


New member
Apr 29, 2008
I wondered if anyone had any plans already in place for 2011 upgrades to their Hifi. Nothing else on my agenda at the moment although i did close out 2010 with a turntable purchase off ebay.
Probably yet another turntable or so to restore. Might have a go at building some active speakers, too, assuming I can talk a friend of mine into designing the difficult bits, i.e everything but the cabinet.

Edit: not sure whether either of the above would be upgrades, though.
probably upgrade my av amp when the current range start getting heavily discounted.

Might go for a Pioneer LX83, if the dip below the £1000 mark....
what a disease...(upgradetitis). Altough my system is fresh out of the box (less than a year) I started dreaming from day one. Digital streaming is the path I would like to take but then I've got to get rid of my dac, dac psu and audio card, which in turn implies I am going to get peanuts for return.

The CA streamer to be launched coming Spring, has a massive appeal to me but apart from the convenience it offers, given its functionalities/price , I doubt I will rip sonic benefits justifying the demise of the current set-up.
I'm planning on getting a new amp (stereo) and speakers, but I said that last year (and the year before) so I won't be holding my breath, although I have discovered that one of my tweeters breaks up at higher volumes, so that might get me to pull my finger out.

Quite fancy a projector too, if funds allow?
Atacama SL600 stands as my Focal's really do need bigger stands with a large top plate.

Starting to research the all digital route with a laptop and DAC but very tentative at this stage. I used to be pretty dismissive of this route, but I'm getting pretty drawn in to the rDAC from various user reviews I've read on a number of forums. Very early days yet, though.
Blu ray player: Oppo 93 maybe / monitor audio apex A10 & A40 upfront / gear4 unity remote Thingy & maybe add in another pair of RXFX or BXFX for 7.1 (don't tell the Mrs)
I'm currently looking t upgrade my speakers.....however today I decided the first step is to upgrade my CD player to a Cyrus CD6SE and then look at potential speaker upgrades and cable in about 3 - 4 months. Probably also plan on upgrading the Amp later this year.
A new 32" television and BD/DVD/Freeview HD recorder in preparedness for our area getting Freeview HD in 2012 (and the 5 year John Lewis guarantee expiring on our present TV at around the same time).

No plans for upgrading the hifi this year or next.
i'll be buying a pioneer lx5090. don't know when, hopefully in the spring, there's a remote chance that i could have one in a couple of weeks though
Assuming the expected funds show up, I'll be buying a Flatcap 2X tomorrow. This is an outboard PSU that will upgrade both my CD and Amp. Been planning this for a whole year!
If my back allows me to find a job, I'll probably buy a whole new hifisystem to congratulate myself
Upgrading my SuperNait with a Hi-Cap (another Naim outboard PSU!) and getting a CR200 for my Sonos system (not strictly an 'upgrade' that one I know) - both currently on order.

Then that REALLY IS ALL for a very long time.
I crashed my plans in December. I bought some AVI ADM 9.1T and an Apple Airport Express. With a Spotify Premium subscription it's the best move I've made for music. The Quad/Spendor/AVI system is excellent but this packaged solution sounds better and makes so much sense.

Last move is a BD player for CD playback and an AVI sub. Not sure I'll fit the sub in this year.
active speakers, don't know which yet, but event opals get reviews that tick all the right boxes. or maybe bi-amp my 19s or go for 40s, if the active route doesn't work out.

no plans to change my 37" panny plasma, just got a bluray player, mac mini is back from the repair shop with faster memory, my daughter caitlyn is sleeping right through and the stereo doesn't wake her up, i've just had 3 days of really good surf - 2011 has got off to a good start.
For me, planning the following:

1. To find a replacement for my xA1 and xA50 combo. Thinking of x150 or the M6 MF amp. Not necessarily I will purchase. Only if these amps will give a significant change.
2. Depending on how things go with no 1 above, will need to buy an amp for my second set up in the lounge. Thinking of Creek Evo 2.
3. New AV amp to fully enjoy 7.1 channel on BD. Targetting for Yamaha RX2067 model.
4. MF CLiC DAC. Already put in a booking for it. Expected to arrive in April or May.
NOTHING Paying for 2010's severe upgraditus which consisted of:

Denon 2310 (reduced price)

Panasonic BD 85 (on sale)

Sonos CR200 + Sonos ZP90 + ZoneBridge + S5 (reduced price / deal)

NAS drive + Backup Drive (new)

Naim NAC 202 (ex dem)

Naim NAP 200 (2nd hand)

Naim Napsc (New)

Naim Hicap 2 (2nd Hand)

Rega DAC (New and finally arrived

Chord Signature Digital Coax (Still waiting for delivery)

Mad Mad year now its time to sit back pay off the credit card and enjoy the music
To replace the Naim DAC and DNM amplification with something that will do the same job in a single unit...so reducing the number of 'boxes' in my system from eight to two. Simplify and de-clutter are my watchwords for 2011.
Should the funds materialise my hope is to replace amplification and go for something warm and glowy! (Hopefully Chebby will approve)

Intention to go the whole hog with Tom Evans Audio gear. Have Vibe preamp so its off to the valleys to see if Tom can do me a deal on a Linear A power amp.

Also planned and executed in October last was replacement of speakers with EB2's which will hopefully come through sometime early this year (pleeeese Rick!!)
With the Gyrodec being slotted into my system this month, my hi-fi journey is complete. I got lucky in that the system and listening room acoustics gelled perfectly. There's genuinely no flaws to the sound that it throws out and as a result, I seriously don't have any upgradeitis. I'll always keep an eye out for another Super VIII, to bi-amp with, but they're so thin on the ground now that I doubt i'll ever get one.

I've neglected the Home cinema part of my set up for the last year or so. This year, i'll look at replacing my Sony receiver and I'll be getting my first projector.
Well, having snuck in another Sonos S5 in the dying hours of 2010, my plans are a little delayed as my spending pot is now a little depleted

However, I plan to get a new sub for my AV setup - I'm currently using the KEF PSW that came with my 2005.2 setup. I'm thinking of a BK Monolith DF - which amazingly has wifely approval, despite its vast size - Mrs. S. thinks it looks more like furniture than kit
Still, if I find a bargain MA RSW-12 or RXW-12 in light oak, I might be tempted by that...

On the HiFi front, speakers for my lonely A85. At the moment, all I have is my Goldring NS1000s to listen to - which are very good and might tempt me to go down the cans route... But I'm budgeting on £300ish on speakers at the moment and some AVI Neutron 5s might be the order of the day, if I can pick up a pair cheap, or find some more cash...

Things may change, if we actually get our act together and get the extension work done to our house...
I may add the Rega dac to my setup, obviously it will have to sound better than the squeezebox I have now, so it will have to be a home demo.

I have come to the conclusion that that my room size and acoustics are the limiting factor as far as upgrading goes. I just don't think I will realise any benefits in spending much more money. Having said that, I am very happy with my system.
If I can find a secondhand HiCap 2 for the Supernait, I could be tempted. Otherwise, a Neat centre speaker would be nice to match the Elites, but I'm really pleased with the system as it stands, to be honest. Mrs. Naxos refuses to believe this, of course.

However, I'm definitely aiming to get a Denon DM-38 for the office to replace the Pioneer NS-7 (I got some Q Acoustics 2010s for Christmas to upgrade the little Pioneer ones, so I'm halfway there - wonderful little speakers).

I may add the Rega dac to my setup, obviously it will have to sound better than the squeezebox I have now, so it will have to be a home demo.

I have come to the conclusion that that my room size and acoustics are the limiting factor as far as upgrading goes. I just don't think I will realise any benefits in spending much more money. Having said that, I am very happy with my system.

Absolutely recommend that one


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