2 Cyrus Mono X or 1


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I'm still on the learning curve. Can you advise that if a speaker has only one set of inputs ( 1 black 1 red ),will one monoblock with 2 outputs suffice, or would a monoblock for each speaker be better which then leaves two outputs unused, one on each monoblock.

If you leave speaker outputs unused are you not getting the best out of the amp?

Silly question I think but if someone can explain
you need at least one mono block for each speaker as each mono aplifies either the left or right channel (mono I.e. Not stereo)

I see that you have Spendors which have 2 inputs at the back?. Do you therfore have 2 spare outputs at the back on each amp?

You need one Mono-X for each speaker as Grimaldi said. There are 2 red and 2 black outputs on each Mono-X, if your speakers are bi-wirable (ie also 2 red and 2 black binding posts), then you can use up all the outputs and match them with the binding posts. If you don't wish to bi-wire and prefer to spend more ££££ on single-wiring using a better quality cable, then you will have 2 spare outputs and 2 spare binding posts on each amp and each speaker respectively, but make sure the two sets of binding posts on each speaker are bridged by a metal plate which comes with the speakers or use a length of good quality cable to bridge them. Hope this is clear.

(Check your Cyrus user manual for a diagram showing bi-wiring, the other diagram shows bi-amping but you need 4 Mono-Xs for that as IanS and I have mentioned to you before. You may ask whether bi-wiring is better than single-wiring, opinions differ on this).
Cheers AKL,

I'm now at a point where I'm not sure what to do. I think I want Cyrus as it's neat and great sounding, neat been small and so the Mrs is happy.

I'm now not in a rush and am going to get some speakers and then ponder. The Sonus Faber Concerto Domus look like a good price at £999 from1799 as x display and as I 've had the old concerto's before so these should be a beefier in the bass. The one thing that the Sonus lacked last time was detail so I thought the Cyrus Kit would help.

Am I aiming in the right direction? What would you do?
AKL explained it very well.

I don't believe in bi-wiring so have never been tempted and would rather invest in one set of quality cables.

Sorry my first reply was so brief and uninformative but was all I could manage from my iPhone while waiting for the train 😛

I think your best choice is to wait until you have your system home and then pick the speakers my listening to them in your own space on your own system (if you have at least decided on the source and amp, etc). Buying blind is just too risky imo.
stew31: Am I aiming in the right direction? What would you do?

Seeing you would like to get 2 Mono-Xs, then I would (if funds are not tight) go for the DAC XP (DAC + Pre-amp section), then connect the three boxes with balanced XLR leads to get the best DAC/Pre/Power combination in Cyrus's line up. That would be your DAC/amplification sorted out.

You are thinking of getting an ex-dem CDXT which should be fine as a transport which is not as crucial as the DAC in terms of delivering sound quality (I use my laptop as transport). That would be your source sorted out.

I have not listened to SF speakers so cannot comment but I think if you are spending £4.7K (retail prices) on your amp section, you should aim to spend at least £2K (again retail price) on your speakers, and perhaps £600 to £800 on interconnects and speaker cables to take advantage of the excellent DAC/amp combo

A cheaper option on the amp section (by over £1K in retail prices) would be to go for PreVS2 + DAC X + X Power (x2) and cheaper i/cs and cables, or the new Pre XPd (has on board DAC which is stripped down version of the DAC in DAC X) + X Powers (x2). As a guess, you probably lose about 5-10% in terms of sound quality compared to the DAX XP/Mono-X combo but save over 20% in costs..... this is what happens ("diminishing returns") as you go higher in the stakes.

Of course buying s/h or ex-demo would reduce those scary numbers....
Id check out Bel Canto amps at this price point. Same half width units and sound great. I upgraded from a Cyrus Pre/power system to Bel Canto ref 100 monos and was blown away
Cheers for taking the time out, ur a good man.

I'm undecided but tell me what you think to this. If I get the Sonus at£999 the impedence is 4 ohms therefore the x powers in stereo will be running at 110w at channel, 195w in Mono which will be more than enough for the Sonus, Partner with the Pre VS2 and x demo dac x & cdxt should be very good, and hopefully a step above the Roksan Caspian Copland set up as I never had a pre before.

Option 2, Take it slow and get what you said Dac xp, mono x, cdxtse and go the full hog, but then I'm looking at the Pro Ac D25'S x dem for £2400 I think to make the use of the superior electronics.

Option 2 will take some time but worth it in the end..............., Option 2 I think......Option 1 will still be good and a lot cheeper. Do I need to spend that much, How much do I need to spend to get a better more clinical sound than I had before, I guess stay away from the Sonus but they are a good price...
stew31: Option 2, Take it slow and get what you said Dac xp, mono x, cdxtse and go the full hog, but then I'm looking at the Pro Ac D25'S x dem for £2400 I think to make the use of the superior electronics.

Option 2 will take some time but worth it in the end..............., Option 2 I think......Option 1 will still be good and a lot cheeper. Do I need to spend that much, How much do I need to spend to get a better more clinical sound than I had before, I guess stay away from the Sonus but they are a good price...

I am someone who wants the best within my bduget and if your budget allows (albeit not in one big hit perhaps), then I would go with option 2 as you will end up with the top Cyrus line-up and you will be blown away by it. Yes, detailed, powerful, "clinical" sound with a huge soundstage and sublime separation....

But don't forget the other bits you can tweak as well - mains cables, conditioning blocks, speaker cables, interconnects, adding PSX-R to the DAC XP and CDXTSE ....
Have a look on eBay, there are some very decent kit on auction at the moment including a DAC XP and Mono-Xs..... Go on....
Yeh, I think your right option 2 and might be able to get there by the end of summer. Had a look on ebay yesterday and saw them in black, but prefer silver........

Will keep my eye out on there, I am going to save 2k and get the D25's first, thats it decided. Cheers for you help. I'm now on it.

Will drop you a note when I'm all set up.Good man!!
A mono amplifier will power one channel - i.e. one speaker.

A stereo amplifier will power two channels - i.e. two speakers.

Additional binding posts - i.e. four per speaker - is for bi-wiring or passive bi-amping, where improvements will be subject to steep diminishing returns.


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