£200 speaker budget for Cyurs CD6 / 8 amplifier


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm having to downsize my system temporarily for about 12 months because space does not allow for my Wharfedale Evolution 30 speakers to be happily placed. Hence using Grado SR80 headphones - excellent for short periods of listening only - but I'm wondering about some "bookshelf" speakers on a limited budget to add to the above kit.

They would be placed on a self, playing most genres of music into a room measuing 4 x 5 m.

I know unltimately it's my choice whether I spend my cash wisely or otherwise, however, could anyone comment on whether a pair of (new) speakers costing £200 would produce sonic results to justifiy the expenditure or will the potential of the CD6 and 8 amp be better revealed by the headphones which I already have?

If you do think it would be worth getting some speakers...what are the likely candidates for audition?

Thanks in advance, Jonathan

(p.s borrowed some Mission E80s - not that impressed, headphones much better!)
£200 per pair wouldn't do the Cyrus justice unless you going down 2nd hand route.

otherwise there are some usual suspect out there like MA BR1, Tannoy F series, Wharfedale Diamond range.....
Depends on the sound you like but you could look around for some second hand Spendors or PMCs.
Thanks for the advice. 2nd hand would be good option - just finding the right speakers in the right place at the right time at the right price!

I like a fast, transparent sound. I admit Wharfedale Evo30s aren't necessarily the last word in this though.
I have EVO2 30s! Sad that you have to let them go! What about ACOUSTIC ENERGY AELITE 2 SPEAKERS? Not the smallest, but they have the same frequency response as the Wharfys. Wharfedale Diamond 9.2? Wharfedale EVO2 10?
The Evo30s will be back in use when space allows - I don't think I could sell them even if I make a meaningful upgrade in the future! I'll look into your suggestions - 2nd hand prices should be good.

They have some ACOUSTIC ENERGY AE100 LOUDSPEAKERS for £100, KEF CODA 90 £125, KEF REFERENCE SERIES MODEL 102/2 £180, SMC 50 MONITOR £75 (these are transmission line, great fun), TANNOY D50 £175...

Take your kit and go and find a bargain to tide you by. You could have quite a lot of fun with some of these at these prices.
Wow! Great deals there igglebert! Great news you arn't giving up your 30s...
Sounds like an interesting shop, not that far from home either!

Thanks for the advice
[quote user="jon_jh"]
If you do think it would be worth getting some speakers...what are the likely candidates for audition?


Save your cash til you can get your speakers out again. Meanwhile, get a pair of Mordaunt Short MS10i/20i for £20/30 and be amazed just how much better they are than anything up to £250 you can buy today. Problem solved.
[quote user="drummerman"]get a pair of Mordaunt Short MS10i/20i for £20/30 and be amazed just how much better they are than anything up to £250 [/quote]

Great speakers these, cheap as chips too
HI igglebert....it seems you know your stuff about speakers, ae 100 series anyhow....what do you know about the ae105 floor standers? are these any good, any info would be appreciated, cheers
[quote user="jackiebrown"]
HI igglebert....it seems you know your stuff about speakers, ae 100 series anyhow....what do you know about the ae105 floor standers? are these any good, any info would be appreciated, cheers

Not heard them. Sorry I can't help.
Good speakers.

I bought these after owning the AE109s for a while and to be honest it was more of a sideways step rather than upgrade.

Th AE109s and AE105s would be a good temp purchase. They give full bass, well timed midrange and sweet, smooth treble.

They also seem to keep their price well so would be a sensible and cost effective investment.


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