£1500 system ?

Jul 15, 2015
I can get the following for under £1500. CA Streammagic 6 v2, balanced connectors, CA Azur 651W Power Amp, QED silver An XT biwire and Tannoy Precision 6.2 speakers. Is it worth going for or can someone suggest something better for the budget
For £1500 maybe

other contender was Marantz NA6005, PM8005 and Focal Aria 906...
David Smart said:
For £1500 maybe

other contender was Marantz NA6005, PM8005 and Focal Aria 906...

Both systems have their advantages and are good for that price. The only thing I can suggest is to audition, the speakers have to suit your listening room or all else is meaningless. Get the speaker set-up right and then the front end be able to give it's best.
I've got the Marantz PM8005, Marantz SA8005 and Tannoy Precision 6.2 speakers and they make a great combination.
David Smart said:
Thanks. And as a Scotsman I love your motto! I'm really struggling as unable to demo either :

I'd have thought that being a thrifty gentleman a visit to a RicherSounds outlet might be justified, unless perhaps you are located on one of those far flung islands. Or are you abroad?

As far as I am aware these are the sole distributors for Cambridge Audio kit so when you say you can get it for £1500, where from exactly?
Are great speakers and if it was not for my kefs id have got myself those speakers. Ive not heard the amps tou mention but id think that the warm marantz would go nice with the tannoys.
What size is the room and how far apart can you place the new speakers from the back wall? How close will you be sitting from the speakers?
Al ears said:
Vladimir said:
I would grab these.

(no affiliation)

Confused. I though the OP was on about a system he could get for £1500 not speakers up to that price.

Perhaps he could clarify.

I understood him in the original post but I'm suggesting a different direction.
Vladimir said:
Al ears said:
Vladimir said:
I would grab these.

(no affiliation)

Confused. I though the OP was on about a system he could get for £1500 not speakers up to that price.

Perhaps he could clarify.

I understood him in the original post but I'm suggesting a different direction.

A very nice direction it is to. But in his original post he stated that he can get the whole system including speakers for under £1500 or did I read that wrong.?
Al ears said:
Vladimir said:
Al ears said:
Vladimir said:
I would grab these.

(no affiliation)

Confused. I though the OP was on about a system he could get for £1500 not speakers up to that price.

Perhaps he could clarify.

I understood him in the original post but I'm suggesting a different direction.

A very nice direction it is to. But in his original post he stated that he can get the whole system including speakers for under £1500 or did I read that wrong.?

It's a great deal and very likely good sounding combo. But I personally would go for quality standmounts in a 25m2 room and buy a future classic, not something that has its future as a recycling item. Hunt for a matching amp later.

Vladimir said:
Al ears said:
Vladimir said:
Al ears said:
Vladimir said:
I would grab these.

(no affiliation)

Confused. I though the OP was on about a system he could get for £1500 not speakers up to that price.

Perhaps he could clarify.

I understood him in the original post but I'm suggesting a different direction.

A very nice direction it is to. But in his original post he stated that he can get the whole system including speakers for under £1500 or did I read that wrong.?

It's a great deal and very likely good sounding combo. But I personally would go for quality standmounts in a 25m2 room and buy a future classic, not something that has its future as a recycling item. Hunt for a matching amp later.


I really do see your point, and they are future classics, but he is going to have to find a streamer and amp later. Gazing at a lonely pair of speakers is hardly a working system, and it will be a little on the quiet side. 🙂
Hey all I hooked up the system today so thought I'd share my thoughts. Firstly I actually ended up with the Tannoy Precision 6.2 Lmited Edition speakers as the retailer sold the standard ones I'd reserved and gave me a break on the price. First impressions are mid range / vocals are very good and a great sound stage is projected. Bass seems a bit light, I'm not sure if this will improve once the speakers are run in; perhaps I will mass load them. Suffering a bit from new system syndrome I guess! Having run a sub sat system for years my ears may need to get retuned!
I think the bass is all good on those speakers but maybe your used to a flabby or uncontrolled bass and need to get used to it.

Play some dubstep or some modern pop tracks pretty loud and im sure the bass will be right.


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