You're trying to be all things to everyone now...latest issue


the record spot

Laptop review. Did someone decamp from What Laptop by mistake this month?

Granted, not an inherent review of each machine as a computer for doing computery things, but nevertheless, this is a branching out of the magazine's remit too far IMO.

I don't doubt there'll be a stiff defence of the inclusion of this group test and yes, I'm wholeheartedly aware that people use their laptops on trains for watching movies, the BBC iPlayer and the like, but that's perhaps not the core reason for buying one. The "Now add these" box is wasted here; how many people out there will use their Acer as their core means of watching a movie? Very, very few. I'd be astounded if it gets beyond three figure totals.

Five laptops in this group test. That's more than some of your recent turntable reviews of the past few years.

What on earth is going on? The fact you can get playback on a laptop is incidental. The magazine is trying to be all things to everyone more and more now. If someone is looking to buy a laptop, they'll get one of the specialist titles of which there are many.

IMO, and with the greatest of respect, you're spreading yourselves way too thinly. Either rebrand and become "What Entertainment" or ditch the products that flutter around the fringes of the entertainment/hi-fi marketplace (and barely in the case of laptops) and stick to what you're best at.