Yamaha Safety Warning


New member
Aug 10, 2019
For all hi-fi equipment manufactured between 1980 - 1982.
Models affected by the safety announcement are the A-760, A-760II, A-960, A-960II and A-1060 stereo amplifiers; M-50 and M-70 power amps and B-6 amplifier.
the record spot:It's taken them that long to discover this???

"During on-going quality assurance tests that we regularly undertake
for our entire portfolio of products..."

This sort of thing probably happens regularly (with models of a similar vintage) from many brands, but we never hear about it because the other manufacturers don't regularly revisit old models for ongoing safety checks in the same way that Yamaha do.
Yeah, I posted before Andy popped the news item up. Reassuring they still do and it's not the kind of thing you can do without the benefit of thirty years use. Hard to replicate otherwise I guess.
If anything, it has made me think even more seriously about buying a Yamaha amplifier. (A-S700 or A-S1000).

This attention to product safety - 30 years on - is really quite impressive.

Their candidness about a fault that was never likely to be blamed on them (but more likely just blamed on using old electronics) is refreshing in the extreme.
If it's of any interest, Audio Emotion in Scotland (Leven, to be precise) are doing the A-S2000 amp for £625 with a 5 year warranty thrown in. Well worth considering given that's well within the ballpark of the other two. Big amp though, you'll need plenty of space at the back to fit it in!
Andrew Everard:
the record spot:Yeah, I posted before Andy popped the news item up.

News story posted at 10.25 this morning.

Andy's post about a second or two after mine...sorry Mr. E, hard to believe though it is, the WHFS&V news pages aren't the first news pages I reach for in the morning!
Apologies: not familiar with that meaning of 'to pop up'...

EDIT: Ah, I see you have edited your post since I replied.
Yep, my first post wasn't too clearly worded though. No worries!
the record spot:hard to believe though it is, the WHFS&V news pages aren't the first news pages I reach for in the morning!

Ah, y'see that's where you're going wrong. I have them set up, along with a load of other stuff, in the excellent 'morning coffee' bolt-on for Firefox, so they come up automatically...


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