Yamaha RXV 1800 and SKY HD headache!!


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Dec 16, 2003
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Hi guys, can anybody help. I have just upgraded my sky to sky HD and have realised that the wonderful guys at SKY have decided not to transmit dolby digital via the HDMI.

I am trying without success to get my amp to accept video signals only from the HDMI and take the audio through the optical cable, but it simply wont do it. Has anybody got any alternative ideas to get good pq and dolby digital from SKY hd via my amp or has anybody been able to achieve this?

Thanks Lee

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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Doing this from memory, so only 99% certain it's right, but...

On the menu choose manual set-up, choose input, select the input to which the Sky+HD HDMI is connected, press OK, then OK again to get the in/out assign menu, select the optical input you're using for the connection from the Sky box, click OK, and you're done.

However, the receiver will default back to the HDMI after switching inputs, or switching on/off, unless you go to Init.Config, choose Audio Select, and change this from Auto to Last. That will make it remember that you use the optical input on that source selection, rather than letting it be overridden by the HDMI.


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Apr 22, 2008
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You are absolutely right, Andrew - very impressive! The key thing (not explained well at all in my 3800 manual so I didn't do it first time) is the change from 'Auto' to 'Last' to prevent the amp reverting back to the original setting.


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Dec 16, 2003
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Thanks for the response guys, but it not working for me - I've even re-assigned the optical to another input but as soon as I deactivate the hdmi, I get wonderful Dolby Digital - I have set the audio select to last and the decoder but as soon as I reassign the hdmi the audio from the hdmi takes over again. I have even assigned my PS3 bluray hdmi as the input and optical from sky as the sound input and as soon as the PS3 is switched on the audio from the HDMI takes priority. Is there anything that I am missing here or not doing right?


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Jan 7, 2010
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You could course bypass the amp and plug the SKY HDMI straight into the tv and route the optical lead into the amp. That way you will always get DD perfectly


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Dec 16, 2003
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Thanks, I've thought that one through but my tv is mounted on the wall with one hdmi sealed in behind the wall - my other option is a hdmi splitter but in fairness I really want to keep it running through the amp to benefit from the video upscaler and from the comments earlier I think its possible.

Thanks for your comments though


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Dec 16, 2003
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Interestingly I have tried to connect my PS3 via HDMI and force the audio via optical and there is no sound output whatsoever. Therefore I think that the problem must sit with the amp. I will contact Yamaha on Monday, if anybody has any ideas in the meantime that would be appreciated.

Thanks for all comments


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May 27, 2009
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I'm sure that WHSV have alluded to a similar problem in the past with the Yamaha amps, and only recently has there been a fix available,whether it is for the 1800 I don't know

I have taken the soft route with SKY HD to the tv and optical to the amp.

Mr Everard, do you not remember such mutterings?


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