yamaha rx-v765


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, my trusty Pioneer VSX 1011 has just died, £205.70 to replace the Main Control Assembly! (P.C.B.?)

Has anyone heard the Yamaha RX -V765 yet? I know it's higher spec'd than the outgoing '863, but does it actually sound any better?Any problems with Sky HD? W.H.F.won't publish a review until the Sept issue.

Doesn't have to be a Yamaha, will be used with my Monitor Audio Bronze B4 speaker package, Sky HD, Marantz CD-63se, and a Blu-Ray player I've yet to buy, (rarely watch DVDs, usually hi-def movies on Sky), cheers, lagan
Although the review is in our September-dated issue, that magazine will be with subscribers from July 24th (less than two weeks away) and in shops by July 29th. It's because we have 13 issues a year to fit in!

That issue features a Group Test where we pit both the Yamaha 565 and 765 against other @£400-£500 receivers including the new Pioneer, new Denon AVR-1910, Sony 2400ES and Onkyo '607.

Incidentally, Yamaha describes the '765 as sitting between last year's '763 and '863 in performance - the forthcoming '1065 is claimed to be superior to the '863.
The Awards issue slots neatly in between the November and December issues. Well, I say neatly...means the November issue is out in September/October!
Hi Clare

What is the price bracket above this one that you complete your "Supertests" in? Just wondering if (with up to £700 spend) this is the test I should be reading before I make my final decision.....
We're expecting the next-step up receivers (@£600-£900?) shortly- we'll certainly test them all before Awards!
Thanks Clare

If nothing temps me in the next issue I'll hang on for the next test of the more expensive receivers.


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