Yamaha RX-V1900 - terrible availability !


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2008
I've been phoning round several dealers this morning to try to get a reasonably priced RX-V1900 only to be told that no one has them in stock and that Yamaha have a really bad problem with getting stock for most of their range out to anyone at the moment.

Is anyone else experiencing this also ?
I think the annoucement at the beginning of December of price rises from January 1st on models including the 1900 may have caused something of a blip in demand last month.
Demand for the DSP863 and up has been much higher than usual and as such stock is very limited. The 1900 is the hardest to get stock of though, it may be weeks from now until there is enough to go around.

I ordered my RX-V1900 from www.exceptional-av.co.uk using the www.whathifi.com 10% discount code on the 22nd Dec and was told it would be delivered mid Jan. I contacted them on the 9th Jan for an update and they said they would have it delivered in the next 2 weeks. Hopefully!

I'll be very interested to know if they keep to this delivery date or just slip it.

If I can't get my hands on a decent priced RX-V1900 in the next couple/few weeks I'll probably opt for a Pioneer LX SC-71, especially as you can pick one up sub-£1k from Superfi now.

Please let me know.
I'll be very interested myself!

I'll post if/when I get an update
Just got this update:

Dear Sir,

First of all we would like to thank you for your order for a Yamaha amplifier.

As I'm sure you're aware the Yamaha range of amplifiers won a number of awards at the end of last year in the What HiFi 2008 Awards. As a result demand for these amplifiers outstrips supply. This delay is universal across the entire UK network of Yamaha dealers. Your order has been processed and queued for despatch and we are expecting stock in very soon. We are waiting for a confirmed date from Yamaha which we expect in the next few days and we will be in touch again at that point.

Thank you for your patience and we apologise for the delay and any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any questions in the mean time please feel free to call or email us. Thank you again for your understanding.

Best Regards

Exceptional-AV Sales Team
Thanks for the update. I just spoke with Exceptional-AV this morning and they seemed confident that they would be getting a batch in next week, but this might only cover back orders. I know they're only trying to capture the custom while they can, but I wish one of the retailers could get some more definite dates from Yamaha.

WFH team, any chance you can get an idea from Yamaha when they believe they can refresh all of the currently out-of-stock retailers ?
We have dates as I am sure other dealers do but nobody will commit to them as there are too many variables to let them slip. The SC-LX71 is in a similar position to the Yamaha as it is very popular but at least they are coming through.

Yep RX-V1900 available now at £799 with some free extras at creative audio...

Unfortunately for me the AX763 only available via package deals....bahh!
Unfortuntaley not. I called Creative Audio and they are as out of stock as all the other retailers and are equally out in the cold as to when Yamaha can supply the necessary stock of RX-V1900s.
Well that's reassuring - thanks Clare. Have been patiently waiting for my DSP AX-763. Thankfully it's coming from my local Sevenoaks, which appears to be on the pre-eminent list. Hopefully I won't be waiting too long!
My local store Musicraft they have all the models in stock! Give them a call people.
Yamaha will have a shipment of most of their AV amps in anytime between now and the end of this month, but that will pretty much be all until the end of March. So if you find any stock I wouldn't hang around mulling things over...... 🙂
I was lucky got mine from e-bay over new year.£535 BNIB with 3 year guarantee.Must be bargin of the year.
marco_one0:I was lucky got mine from e-bay over new year.£535 BNIB with 3 year guarantee.Must be bargin of the year.

Was this from a dealer with an ebay presence ? If so, who was it ?

Yep, an absolute bargain at that price.
No it wasn't a dealer,just someone that got it a an xmas present and needed the money.The box wasn't open and the guarantee registered in my name now.

I hope you manage to get one soon it's a fantastic amp.
I asked for an update on delivery yesterday seeing as their last communication said they would have an ETA at the start of this week and I'd heard nothing. Here's the reply:

No news yet. But we are still expecting the delivery sometime next week, but Yamaha do not like giving definate delivery dates for security purposes.

Has anyone else received an RX-V1900 from a pre-Chrsitmas delivery (I ordered mine on the 22nd Dec)?
That's classic Exceptional AV for you mate. I got the same response myself. EDITED by Mods They actually told me that Yamaha won't give me a date because they are afraid of being robbed!! Crazy. I've been told different things from different people at Exceptional AV but dont believe a word they tell you man.

Get a refund and check out Peter Tyson's or Newcastle Hi Fi because they actually have them in stock. They did on Thursday anyway. But there prices have gone up.

Exceptional AV also told me that if Yamaha's prices go up when they are invoiced for the new products, then they are going to pass this on to the customer via price increases.

Food for thought.
I have ordered fromÿExceptionalÿAV and found them a perfectly reasonable company to deal with. Since every dealer is having the same issues with Yamaha, I'm not sure why you are singling them out for criticism.ÿ

And passing on pre-order price increases to customers is actually standardÿbehaviorÿfor any retailer - you'll find very few don't do this. I'm not sure why you would expect them not to (you even mention Peter Tyson's prices have gone up but still recommend them!). It will all be part of the terms of conditions of sale that they have printed on their website and which clearly you read, digested and understood before you ordered...ÿ
Prof iïm not recommending anybody mate. All iïm saying is that the vast majority of retailers have acknowledged the supply problem of Yammy amps at present and some have even gone as far as to discourage me from ordering because they cant be specific about when they can fulfil the order. The point being, a lot of people have been hanging on waiting on pre xmas orders from Exceptional AV and all they have done is string people along and refused to acknowledge the supply proplem. Iïve been told they are due in this week for the past month. Now they are making ridiculous statemnts that they cant get details on delivery dates because Yamaha are afraid of being robbed. All i was trying to say was that instead of waiting another month on Exceptional AV to receive stock and paying the increased price anyway, it would better to get the amp now from a retailer who can actually supply the amp.

EDITED by Mods - please do not attack other users.


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