Wyred 4 Sound DAC1 v Moon 300D


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Well I've swapped my DACs to generate some cash and have found that such a change can have a huge affect. The W4S offers huge bass and scale alongside very precise rendition of the music. However, it's not in the same league as the Moon when it comes to musicality. I'm slightly disappointed but it does offer a new sound which could grow on me. For the money though, W4S take some beating.
Hiya Gerrard

The Wyred has better scale but not as musical as the Moon: Swings and roundabouts really. Don't mean that in detrimental way, but all hi-fi there are gains and loses.

How does the price stack up against the Moon Dac?


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Very true PP. The W4S has unbelievably good bass and fills the room superbly. I'm obviously used to the Moon so it might take time to get used to a new sound - although that's fun too.

The Moon retails at £1350 - I sold for £800. The W4S retails at $999 or £899 over here and I bought for £460 - which is great value as its so much better than the £200-500 priced DACs.
Wow, quite a saving. I suppose it'll take some time to adjust from the Moon. The snag I could envisage is that you'll want to tamper with the cables to (maybe) smooth the bass a little. Otherwise, enjoy.

BTW, I actually purchased a DacMagic, s/hand, bargain price, and use the Arcam as transport. Anyway, wasn't that impressed overall. Had really good clarity and detail, but after switching one from the other, the Cambridge didn't have the emotion of the straight Arcam. Kept it about 3 weeks and flogged it.

One source I was very impressed with and that was the Rega Apollo. Had that on home dem a few months ago. So I'll probably looking at the Rega Dac or Linn Sneaky streamer...


New member
Jan 21, 2013
Gerrardasnails said:
Very true PP. The W4S has unbelievably good bass and fills the room superbly. I'm obviously used to the Moon so it might take time to get used to a new sound - although that's fun too. The Moon retails at £1350 - I sold for £800. The W4S retails at $999 or £899 over here and I bought for £460 - which is great value as its so much better than the £200-500 priced DACs.

wow blimey! where in the UK can you find such cheap price for the W4S?


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