Wow Philips 9705 ,,,400hz

lol 🙂

wow :

lg : 600 hz

samsung : 600 hz

panasonic : 600 hz

wowwww 🙂
No other brand at the moment has the 400hz with clear LCD the way Pilips will do. I don't think it's true 400hz, just like this years 9664/9704 had a psuedo 200hz. However it is nothing like the 600hz subfield motion thing mr plasma fanboy mentioned.
Rather as with contrast ratios and the like, don't get seduced by the numbers game. It just keeps the marketing people happy...
I have read the specs of this monster of an LED 3D localised Dimming TV!!!!! The 400hz panel spec is really best understood as 0.5ms response time for an LCD panel. That's is unheard of for an LCD TV?

So Philips have now just pulvarised everyone, Samsung C7000 included.OK.

This new TV reinforces my view that Sony cannot hope to hit the top spot....not with this titan Philps. I am humbled by its sheer brillance.......can perfection be improved upon......only by PHILIPS.

Bow Bow, lower....
The specs alone are not the basis for making wild statements and suggesting that 'Philips have now just pulvarised everyone'. Judging TVs by black and white specs is foolish and misleading.

It is my opinion that several manufacturers are giving each other a very hard time and running each other extremely close. It is a highly competitive market and the only way to judge is by seeing the set with your own eyes.

nottherealthingy - I doubt you have seen the Philips, or the Samsung C7000, or the full Sony range. As such your big statements are completely meaningless.
funny , i seem to recall nothereaaafvhgbnnh saying that sony will sweep all before them this year , i think hes a little fickle ...
Sony are no more immune to criticism than any other manufacturer. Like I said it is a very competitive market. Sony have some great product out this year, but so do the competition, and it is very much a buyer's market at present.

It is the crass generalisations and the verdicts based on technical specs alone, rather than proper experience with the products in question, that irritate me. How can anyone compare the new Philips with the Samsung if they haven't had proper (or any?) hands-on experience with either?
from notherealujcjgjxhc himself


Re: This months TV
giant test

This recent Giant TV test here was the finest review I have seen on
HD TVs in the UK and I read loads and from other journalist pickings
other than just What Hi from the diversity of opinion emerges
the truth!

Firstly, Samsung can make better Plasma than
Panasonic as the stock of knowledge out there suggest.It's all the more
remarkable when Samsung also make LED and LCD TVs en mass. I would go
with a Samsung Plasma and save money over a Panasonic for now.The rating
on the Panasonic TV in this review was fair.I still think they look

What makes the headline for me from the review is how
there was two awards granted for the cheaper and higher 40 inch
TVs. A very good move as the Philips and Samsung are clearly the best
sets if money was no objective and would have left the Sony Third.That
would not have been right.No.

Even if the Philips and
Samsung are construed to be the best sets for now... it is 'best' as
considered in degree and not in absolute terms. I notice there was none
of the audacious pesudo 3D image praise lavished on the 2D
Philips....and I didn't expect it as a true 3D set like the samsung was
in presence and would have put paid to all that jazz.

less than half of the the R.R.P cost of the others, the Sony did
exceptional, exceptional!! Just goes to show how good the set can be
even without LED or localised dimming! This set is almost dubbed as
'W5810 series 2' and it is in many ways it has all the innards of the
W5810 and more.

The brushed alumimium fnish on the set is
tackly to say the least, but a minor point.

When you have a
formula that works, why change it...indeed.

You can't help to
think that the true undisputed winner was the Samsung and been
the most upto date and high tech!! I would pick that to buy and be
content for the next 5 years.

so the pulverised samsung is the winner
matthewpiano:The specs alone are not the basis for making wild statements and suggesting that 'Philips have now just pulvarised everyone'. Judging TVs by black and white specs is foolish and misleading. It is my opinion that several manufacturers are giving each other a very hard time and running each other extremely close. It is a highly competitive market and the only way to judge is by seeing the set with your own eyes. nottherealthingy - I doubt you have seen the Philips, or the Samsung C7000, or the full Sony range. As such your big statements are completely meaningless.

The problem with you is that you claim to speak not as a Sony Rep but as yourself....but what I keep hearing is someone with aspirations who wish to convey official spin....but without a business card to back up the credentials.Your views are no better than mine as that of joe publiic, neither of us are prof Journalist!

And by the way, if you still think that Philips make inferior TV to Sony then you really need counselling.......your problem is denial!

Philips are reinventing the wheel - adopting an 'F1 attitude' in performance procument and saying to the pack - we are the TV technology leaders - they are outputting specs that are off the scale! And can surpass the Pioneer Kuro legacy! For a Western company that is even more of a headline than if Samsung was the subject.Recognise the milestones been set by Philps.
matthewpiano:The specs alone are not the basis for making wild statements and suggesting that 'Philips have now just pulvarised everyone'. Judging TVs by black and white specs is foolish and misleading. It is my opinion that several manufacturers are giving each other a very hard time and running each other extremely close. It is a highly competitive market and the only way to judge is by seeing the set with your own eyes. nottherealthingy - I doubt you have seen the Philips, or the Samsung C7000, or the full Sony range. As such your big statements are completely meaningless.

The problem with you is that you claim to speak not as a Sony Rep but as yourself....but what I keep hearing is someone with aspirations who wish to convey official spin....but without a business card to back up the credentials.Your views are no better than mine as that of joe publiic, neither of us are prof Journalist!

And by the way, if you still think that Philips make inferior TV to Sony then you really need counselling.......your problem is denial!

Philips are reinventing the wheel - adopting an 'F1 attitude' in performance procument and saying to the pack - we are the TV technology leaders - they are outputting specs that are off the scale! And can surpass the Pioneer Kuro legacy! For a Western company that is even more of a headline than if Samsung was the subject.Recognise the milestones been set by Philps.

I speak as myself and with my own views. My posts do not overly promote Sony. Indeed I have made it clear that I think competition is exceedingly tight in the television market at present and I have not stated once that Philips make an inferior product to Sony. There is absolutely no 'official spin' in anything I write, just common sense and a sense of measure which is completely absent from your posts.

What I will not do is make assumptions about products without proper hands-on experience with them. As far as I'm concerned the Philips might be better than the Sony, the Sony might be better than the Philips, or the Samsung might beat all of them. The simple truth, and the difference between you and I, is that I am not prepared to make such statements without seeing the PRODUCTS rather than just mere SPECS for myself.

You are so completely obsessed with specs but you fail to realise that they are only half the story. The TV market is not lead by any one brand. There are several manufacturers producing top quality products and there are solid reasons for buying each one. The key thing is not to be taken in by marketing spin from ANY manufacturer but to assess each option with your own eyes by seeing the sets and spending some time testing their capabilities.
Andrew Everard:Rather as with contrast ratios and the like, don't get seduced by the numbers game. It just keeps the marketing people happy...

How true Andrew!

It was stated in one post that spec's are only half the story. I would argue it is max 10% of the story. You can very seldom compare TV's or judge their performance based on the spec's.
notherealakinanakamura: And by the way, if you still think that Philips make inferior TV to Sony then you really need counselling.......your problem is denial!

Hold your horses now. Not everyone is as seduced by Philips as you are. That doesn't mean we cannot make proper judgement or are in complete denial. It probably just means we prioritise different things than Philips can offer. And no, I do not work for Sony center

notherealakinanakamura: Philips are reinventing the wheel

Hmm, where I work we usually says: "There is no purrpose in reinventing the wheel". But for Philips it might be another story...

notherealakinanakamura: - adopting an 'F1 attitude' in performance procument and saying to the pack - we are the TV technology leaders - they are outputting specs that are off the scale!

And as already discussed a couple of times, specs doesn't really tell you anytning about the actual picture performance.

notherealakinanakamura: And can surpass the Pioneer Kuro legacy!

Wow, that is absolutely brilliant! I will immediately go out buying this TV of another world.

You of course know this because you are highly skilled in TV calibration and have spent hours comparing the Philips set with the Pioneer Kuro? Or surely you must have some references to leading reviewers backing up such a claim?
i suppose with all the internal complexity of a modern tv , all the calculations , algorithms , that go on , any tv maker could come up with a new figure , or fancy term for something , and claim its relevant to their tv .. 800hz ? , er , active crystalisation accesability transmitter ?(a.c.a.t.) ... wow , i want an 800hz tv with a.c.a.t. , i dont know why i want it , i just do ...
Does anyone know if we have a release date for this TV yet in the UK and if we have any prices?
I believe July is the expected date...i never thought this would cause such a debate.I was just intrigued if anyone else was releasing something similiar and nothing like a sub field drive?

No one can make proper judgements on TV performanve unless they have testing facilities to probe the TV. Unless you want to do what the Gadget show do - just let people sit infront of the sets then say which is the 'Best'.Is this the way you feel reviews ought to be conducted - my grandma could take part pehaps. All I am hearimg from you are 'leading statements' and superlatives.

Philiips TVs have been consistently judged to be the Best by all Reviewers from 3 of the UK's top review Gadget mags from Haymarket - that's official endorsement

9/10 sales staff at Dept stores who have been prof' trained by all of the the firms of TV they happen to sale admit that they would recommend Philips to customers. That's as unbias as it gets.

Now - your statement, " not everyone is seduced by Phililps like you[me]' - I consider this to be arguementative and naive to say the least.

I don't go with lone wolf opinions - they are for bloggers!
notherealakinanakamura:Philiips TVs have been consistently judged to be the Best by all Reviewers from 3 of the UK's top review Gadget mags from Haymarket - that's official endorsement

I wasn't aware the UK had 3 top review publications, and Haymarket only has one 'Gadget mag': Stuff.

notherealakinanakamura:9/10 sales staff at Dept stores who have been prof' trained by all of
the the firms of TV they happen to sale admit that they would recommend
Philips to customers. That's as unbias as it gets.

Source for this 'nine out of ten cats' statistic, please?

notherealakinanakamura:Now - your statement, " not everyone is seduced by Phililps like
you[me]' - I consider this to be arguementative and naive to say the

Pots, kettles...

notherealakinanakamura:I don't go with lone wolf opinions - they are for

As one who has been known to blog, I resemble that insinuation...
I have to agree with andrew.............its a numbers game.

As i understand it.............The set isn't passing 400 frames per second as the plasma's aren't flickering 600 times,

How they got the 400Hz figure...........wait for it............... 200Hz left to right, 200Hz up and down.

Thats it.

Take a look at Sony's website with there 200Hz pro tv's, not even sony can make there mind up. First they shows there 200Hz pro then below advertise 400Hz.

The Sony guy I know said Sony WILL NOT advtise 400Hz....................Hmmmm, I think sony will wait to see if everyone else starts shouting about there 400Hz and go with the flow....
matthewpiano:Sony will be advertising 400Hz. The only explanation we've had so far is that it 'will make the 3D picture better'.mathew , if you havnt already done so , get a few copies of avatar on bluray , and stick em on in the store , those sonys will walk out the door ...


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