Windows 8.....A simple synopsis please.


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Aug 21, 2009
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As we are buying my son a laptop for school (and gaming), can anyone familiar with W8 give a simple "pros vs cons" overview, as compared to W7.

Has it been out long enough to be given a reasonably "clean bill of health "? when all is said and done, is it worth going for. :?

Many thanks in advance




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bigboss said:
I'm very happy with my Windows 8. There are a few bugs, but nothing that concerned me much. Check my posts in this thread:

Thx BB

It's good to know that this is still your view.

Don't know how much you want to spend, but go for a touch screen version if possible.

This is quite cheap in the US:


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bigboss said:
Don't know how much you want to spend, but go for a touch screen version if possible. This is quite cheap in the US:

Thx again.

I am looking for something relatively cheap, but robust enough to stay the course and cover the relatively simple needs of my son. Kids (mine anyway) are quite sore on Laptops, so an expensive one would be wasted.....we will probably take out some insurance on it!.


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Touchscreen really only works on a tablet. Ergonomics are not good using it on a laptop screen.

My take on Windows 8, is that it's new and you might be better served with a tried and tested Windows 7 OS.

You should be able to get a better deal on a Windows 7 machine, as it will be used on older tech.

I have used a variety of Windows OSs and think that XP and Windows 7 are the best so far, that said, I have a Mac and have used Linux in the past. Windows is probably my least favourite of the bunch, but I'm having to use W7 soon, as W8 does not support my software that I run. There are apparently a lot of backwards capability issues with software and hardware alike. You would be well advised to do some extensive Googling.


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Overdose said:
Touchscreen really only works on a tablet. Ergonomics are not good using it on a laptop screen.

My take on Windows 8, is that it's new and you might be better served with a tried and tested Windows 7 OS.

You should be able to get a better deal on a Windows 7 machine, as it will be used on older tech.

I have used a variety of Windows OSs and think that XP and Windows 7 are the best so far, that said, I have a Mac and have used Linux in the past. Windows is probably my least favourite of the bunch, but I'm having to use W7 soon, as W8 does not support my software that I run. There are apparently a lot of backwards capability issues with software and hardware alike. You would be well advised to do some extensive Googling.

Thank you for the sensible and practical advice......I will certainly take it on board.

I normally have lots to say about nearly everything....but this stuff does my head in! :wall:
1) There's an upgrade assistant who will advise of any incompatible software. When I upgraded, the only incompatible programme was a Bluetooth driver. I uninstalled it, then installed Windows 8, & the reinstalled the updated driver.

2) In any case, the OP isn't upgrading from a previous version; he's buying a brand new Windows 8 laptop. So "incompatible programmes" for laptop used for school purpose isn't an issue here.

3) I miss the touch screen functionality on my laptop. Windows 8 experience in my opinion is much better with a touch screen. Ergonomics is an issue only when you use touch functionality exclusively. In a laptop, there's a live tile in front of you; simply click it with your finger rather than drag your mouse towards it!


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I'm sure it works in a fashion, it just looks to me like MS has made it into a bit of a gimmick and I don't know that it transfers well to laptops, but then I've not used it and you have. My viewpoint is one of MS OSs being released before they are finished. W7 works and is known to be stable, the last thing a non techy person needs, is to start having to faff with software and hardware incompatibility issues.

If budget were not really an issue, I'd recommend the smallest Macbook Air, but lovely as they are, they are rather pricey.
CnoEvil said:
As a throw away comment, my daughter has just said that W8 doesn't play this "may" be an issue.

Not entirely true.

Plus, there are many free third party softwares for the job, like VLC media player.


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Overdose said:
I'm sure it works in a fashion, it just looks to me like MS has made it into a bit of a gimmick and I don't know that it transfers well to laptops, but then I've not used it and you have. My viewpoint is one of MS OSs being released before they are finished. W7 works and is known to be stable, the last thing a non techy person needs, is to start having to faff with software and hardware incompatibility issues.

If budget were not really an issue, I'd recommend the smallest Macbook Air, but lovely as they are, they are rather pricey.

I think you have me summed to a a luddite, I hate change (my son will probably take to it better), and a Macbook, though really nice, is more than I wish to spend.


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CnoEvil said:
As we are buying my son a laptop for school (and gaming), can anyone familiar with W8 give a simple "pros vs cons" overview, as compared to W7.

Has it been out long enough to be given a reasonably "clean bill of health "? when all is said and done, is it worth going for. :?

Many thanks in advance



Sorry Cno, I didn't read this bit.

If gaming and depending on the games to be played, you might need a laptop with a descrete graphics card (video adapter).


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Overdose said:
Sorry Cno, I didn't read this bit.

If gaming and depending on the games to be played, you might need a laptop with a descrete graphics card (video adapter).

The problem is that I haven't a clue what I need! :rofl:
All I can say from my 2 months of continuous use, is that Windows 8 is a lot faster, & actually needs lower specs to run than Windows 7. Most of the negative reaction / apprehension is from people who only tried it for a day or so, & went back to older version. I haven't needed any "technical knowledge" any more than what's needed to run Windows 7. You can always use the Windows 7 desktop mode in Windows 8, which works exactly like Windows 7. It is well worth it.


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bigboss said:
How old is your son? If a teenager, he himself will know which one to buy. :)

He's 14, and if I gave him free reign with my credit card, I'm sure he would :exmark:

Thank you for all the help



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Mar 5, 2012
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win 8 on a new machine will be fine, i have been sat firmly on the fence for a while,but it is a grower ,but for all its eye candy win 7 still wins hands down for me , cos it just works.

said it before n i'll say it again ,if you want performance look at the machine & it's guts ,not the os.

just to note , this acer lappy is running win 8 right now.(paid for it ganna use it)


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For a 14 year old, I would definitely go W8.

I have it on laptop and desktop and have done on the laptop since the early pre-release versions.

Why? Well, There are many free and cheap games and applications in the Windows store which are not available on W7.

Plus, it's the current Windows OS. Why buy and learn the old one?

I have no problems with it, and with a little patience it works very well. It is not as intuative as it ought to be, but google "Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts", and learn a few basic key strokes and it becomes much easier.

eg. Windows key and X - Brings up administrative tools, control panel etc.

Windows key and C - charms.

And while touch is less useful on a laptop, as has been mentioned, it would be very nice for the occaisional alternate input method when appropriate.

And nothing I have doesn't work on W8 so far. I too had a driver issue when upgrading, but that's not going to be the case on a new machine.


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fr0g said:
For a 14 year old, I would definitely go W8.

I have it on laptop and desktop and have done on the laptop since the early pre-release versions.

Why? Well, There are many free and cheap games and applications in the Windows store which are not available on W7.

Plus, it's the current Windows OS. Why buy and learn the old one?

I have no problems with it, and with a little patience it works very well. It is not as intuative as it ought to be, but google "Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts", and learn a few basic key strokes and it becomes much easier.

eg. Windows key and X - Brings up administrative tools, control panel etc.

Windows key and C - charms.

And while touch is less useful on a laptop, as has been mentioned, it would be very nice for the occaisional alternate input method when appropriate.

And nothing I have doesn't work on W8 so far. I too had a driver issue when upgrading, but that's not going to be the case on a new machine.

All very useful stuff from another user, which will help with the decision making

Many thanks



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Nov 17, 2009
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Surely I cannot be the only one who thinks that Windows 8, in being designed as both a touchscreen and a keyboard/mouse OS, cannot therefore be optimised for either, am I?

I do feel strongly that Microsoft (with this OS) are resting on their lorals in ignoring their main consumer base with this new OS being heavily orientated for touchscreen use. How many everyday professionals will actually need to bring their machine out of the office, flip the screen over and use it as a tablet? Why is this being implemented as standard?

Microsoft's biggest problems contributing to the downfall since 95-XP are the drastic overhalls enforced on users, to which many professionals resist and stick with XP. Slight improvements might be a better approach, no?

In using Windows 8 on a personal level, I'm sure it's fine. It'll do much the same as any other Windows OS, although apparently to make the most out of Windows 8 people are encouraged to buy a touchscreen compatible machine (> costs = > quality = > user experience)... roll on the cheap and nasty touch screen laptops. I'm sure many notso technically-minded folk will enjoy having to learn a whole new system... or 'flip' to the classic view to ignore it.... PC consultants/advisors are going to make a fortune.
If Microsoft was resting on its laurels, it wouldn't have made such drastic changes to its OS. It wanted to create a single OS optimised for both touch & non-touch (mouse) use. The main reason for Windows 8 is to provide a consistent user experience amongst all platforms; PC, tablet & phone. This is probably the only way to gain foothold in the market dominated by iOS & Android.

The push for touch screen models & "ultrabooks" is mainly by vendors & Intel to spurt growth in a dormant market due to competition from tablets.


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Windows 7 50%, XP 35% of OS market. Globally. Don't know what market sure you're on about but regardless, changing the main PC OS to a touchscreen compatible is not what the world needs.
The world never needed an iPad either! :)

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