Wiim Ultra V Marantz CR610


Sep 29, 2024
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Hi All,

I use my Marantz CR610 for streaming Spotify (from my phone) via a Soprano Synthesis tube amplifier and a pair of Piega classic 3.0. speakers

I also use the headphone jack on the marantz late at night. Would swapping out the marantz for the Wiim ultra be an upgrade with respect to spotify?

I was also considering the Naim Uniti Atom Headphone Edition. It' s very expensive but I really need the headphone option .

Any advice would be hugely appreciated



Well-known member
Would swapping out the marantz for the Wiim ultra be an upgrade with respect to spotify?
Only you could really answer that Richard.
The DACs are likely to be different in the two, so you'd get the usual subtle differences there.
For what it's worth, I've got the same DAC chip that the Ultra uses, in a Cyrus amp and a standalone DAC and, to me, it sounds better than other DACs I've heard....(of course the chip itself is not the whole DAC sound story though).

You're right, that Naim is expensive - for serious headphone listening I'd consider putting your Marantz or the Ultra through something like the excellent Topping A90D - but then, you may prefer an all-in-one 🤔....


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