
New member
Nov 2, 2007
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hi everyone got my sony w3000 back today its been away for 3 weeks having another panel fitted this is the third panel now and the tv is only six months old watched it earlier and everything was fine i went out and have just come back switched it on the green light comes on and there is sound but no picture the tv stays on for about 10 seconds then switches itself off and the standby light flashes 5 times any help would be appreciated this tv is driving me crazy!! thanks


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Its throwing up a fault code again. It clearly hasn't been repaired properly. Bounce it back again and insist that once they've 'repaired' it they run it on a thorough soak test to make sure that they have correctly identified the problem. W3000s aren't known for panel problems and, given the repetition of your problem, I'd guess the repairer isn't getting the diagnosis right.


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Aug 24, 2007
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I personally would demand that it's replaced immediately. Threaten them if you need to by saying you will write to the papers, consumer groups, watchdog etc etc


This is unacceptable. You have given them ample opportunity to sort the problem.

You have 2 choices; reject the tv which you are now fully entitled to do or get it repaired again and potentially let them carry on messing you about.

Who is the retailer by the way?


Well-known member
fruityboy:thanks for the info matthew, is there no way i can kick off with the retailer and get it changed?

I don't think kicking off is the way. A calm discussion about the problems you have had and an explanation of the fact that you are now a completely disatissfied customer could be a good way forward. Depending on the retailer you might well find yourself coming to an amicable agreement.


I agree, just state it's already been off for repair and that was obviously not done to high enough standards and you would like a replacement as you are not willing to go without the TV you purchased for another 3 weeks while it is "repaired"


Joelsim, I work in technology retail and your suggested approach, to this problem, would not be of any benefit whatsoever. A calm, collected and insistant approach will get you much further with your issue. Any kind of shouting or threatening the odds just makes you lose face and also will get the retailers back up. Any kind of "threats" will more than likely hinder responsible dealing of your issue. Think about it, how would you like people coming in to your work making threats of getting you into trouble in the press!!!

Be firm, lay down all the facts calmly and in an intelligent manner and say what you are looking for and then see what the response is before throwing "threats" around.


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Jan 18, 2008
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Joelsim, I work in technology retail and your suggested approach, to this problem, would not be of any benefit whatsoever. A calm, collected and insistant approach will get you much further with your issue. Any kind of shouting or threatening the odds just makes you lose face and also will get the retailers back up. Any kind of "threats" will more than likely hinder responsible dealing of your issue. Think about it, how would you like people coming in to your work making threats of getting you into trouble in the press!!!

Be firm, lay down all the facts calmly and in an intelligent manner and say what you are looking for and then see what the response is before throwing "threats" around.

After 3 panel repairs on 6 months old product ... the last one taking 3 weeks?

I think he did the calm, collected and insistent approach halle. The dealer should have, by now, offered a replacement rather than inconvenience the customer further.

I agree that this is not a personal issue but at this stage strong, concise action from the customer is clearly appropriate imo.



You could also offer to pay a little more for a w4000 and avoid the prob completely. I

No matter, if they repair it yet again.. insist on a replacement set of equal or better standard and do not return it until you are happy with your repair/replacement.


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