Why i love music


New member
Aug 10, 2019
As an aside to jaxwired post"why i love hifi", why do the people on this site love music 'cause no-one would give a hoot about hifi if they did not have a love of music.

Myself i became addicted in i think '75 and seeing Elton john live then Zepp and then a life time of seeing bands and buying music.I seldom want to play music as background,prefering to immerse myself in an album and get taken to another place,often to great times past of beginning my musical journey.

Music like spring gives off great hope.

A life long love of ELP,Van Morrison,Curved Air, Leonard Cohen, Marc Almond and many many more.
This is a much tougher question to answer. Why is music so enjoyable? As Samuel Johnson said "Of all noises, I think music is the least disagreeable". So true.

Why people love music is beyond me, but it obviously has something to do with the way the brain processes organized sound. I definately think that people possess various degrees of appreciation for music. It may well be that some brains are more stimulated by music than others. I personally am pretty logical and analytical. Maybe the mathematical element of music is a factor.

But I think maybe I'm perverting the intention of your post slightly.

BTW, I also like listening to entire albums (CDs). In fact, (this is a different subject) I think the MP3 download generation is going to miss out. For example, you certainly can't experience Pink Floyd The Wall by listening to your 1 favorite track or even 3 tracks played out of sequence.
For me, as a young child, going to the Micheal Jackson Dangerous Tour, when he came to my city of Leeds (UK), sat upon my fathers shoulders, as I was only 10, an unforgettable experience that is the main reason I enjoy music so much and will never forget the emotion is drives inside me
A good point ,your last one,the world only really wants to cherry pick tracks and has no time or capacity for whole albums and the wall is meaningless when not heard complete,but i guess albums are made differently today.I find it impossible to listen to; i think its heart fm because each song they play is just the most obvious and usually the biggest hit from any given artist,and i can think of 100,s of examples where the best track from an album has,nt been a big hit single.
blackcabmal:i think its heart fm because each song they play is just the most obvious and usually the biggest hit from any given artist,and i can think of 100,s of examples where the best track from an album has,nt been a big hit single.

Right, another good point. Everyone has had that experience. You buy a CD because of a popular song and a different song becomes your favorite.

I actually do not listen to radio at all. I haven't for years. I exclusively listen to CDs. When I buy a CD I have no idea which songs if any have gotten radio air play. Only if I happen to hear it being played in a store (like starbucks for instance) do I know if it is popular with the public.
I love music because
  • It can change your mood, make you feel relaxed or hyped up dependent on what you play
  • It can take you back to a time and a place when you first heard it
  • There is endless different types and styles, so always something new to find
  • Its only as intrusive as you want it to be - you can put it on in the background whilst doing something else, or dedicate all your attention to listening to that new album you bought
Everything changed for me when I first heard this:

how many times have you gone to your record collection and not been able to find anything you fancy listening to,because what you have just doesn't suit the mood.
For me, I love music because I love to sing. In fact, I intend to audition in the x-factor this year.
jaxwired:In fact, (this is a different subject) I think the MP3 download generation is going to miss out. For example, you certainly can't experience Pink Floyd The Wall by listening to your 1 favorite track or even 3 tracks played out of sequence.

Being one of the younger members of the forum, I can say this is definately true for me. For me, music has been something to pass the time on the bus or in a car. I listen to music on an iPod, on shuffle, skipping to my favourite tracks. And so while I enjoy music, if I sit down wanting to experience something that will take me on a journey then I'm ten times more likely to stick on a film than listen to an album. Maybe that'll change in the future, but I doubt it will. I think I'll always be far more passionate about film than about music.
Had a listen to this on u tube and a great record although not what i would usually listen to,My wife calls down the stairs asking who it was,she thought it was great,really doesnt matter what type of tunes turn you on,just great that they do.
Spine tingles, head nodding to the beat, my foot taps out the rhythum, the heart rate rises and falls with the beats per minute, the adrenaline ebbs and flows like waves on the beach, my mood lifts and the world is left behind as I fly. More, more, encore!
Thanks blackcabmal, it was after a hard few days at work and I was quite drunk at the time, which probably added to the emotion. Normal service has been resumed.
The ultimate mood setter. The ultimate nostagia trip. For me the ultimate collectors dream which just goes on and on and on. The essential ingredient for a party wether it`s played loud or as background music. Great topic for conversation. Great way to express your feelings if you are a writer or/and performer. Music festival/gig a great way to get like minded people together.

That`s what springs to mind at the moment. Can`t imagine living without it.
Those that have been kind enough to reply,what are your fav bands from years ago and what new music have you found that really lights your fire.

My musical life started as prog rock which i still enjoy but i have diversified alot over the years and really made an effort to like jazz but really surprisingly i have grown to like these twee bands like Belle and sebastian,the concretes,camera obscura and the killer from last year for me was El perro del mar and taken by trees whose album open field blew me away last year.Hope to hear your views
Music is a waste of time!

The only things any decent goal setting, achieving adult should be doing is earning his/her salary and managing his/her property investments. Spending preciouse time on idle entertainment? pfft.. no thank you!
seeing as you went to the trouble replying you may as well have said something usefull
Started out with the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, but secretly more of a prog rock fan. The problem was that punk had sprung up and prog rock was music for dinosaurs and constantly rubbished in the music press. My best pal was a punk, so I listened to and liked a lot of punk. In the 1990s I really got into trip hop/electronica with the likes of Massive Attack and Faithless and now even have a bit of jazz with The Portico Quartet. I refuse to 'try and like' a style of music, I either like it or not. Most recently I have been buying more and more film soundtracks. My friend who was the punk now has no punk left in his collection and has quite a lot of jazz!

Those that have been kind enough to reply,what are your fav bands from years ago and what new music have you found that really lights your fire.

My musical life started as prog rock which i still enjoy but i have diversified alot over the years and really made an effort to like jazz but really surprisingly i have grown to like these twee bands like Belle and sebastian,the concretes,camera obscura and the killer from last year for me was El perro del mar and taken by trees whose album open field blew me away last year.Hope to hear your views

Too many to mention by name. Quick summary - started with Abba, then Meat Loaf, bit of New Wave/Punk, progressed to Heavy Metal/Rock, then Prog, Beatles, now into Folk, bit of Swing, Psychedelic, Easy Listening, touch of Jazz.

I guess most of the `new` music I`m discovering is actually old. Still catching up on yesteryear with my favourite 5 year spell now changing from the mid to late 70`s over to the end of the 60`s-beginning of the 70`s. In terms of newer artists my favourite new band from the last ten years are a group called Mostly Autumn who play a blend of rock/prog influenced by Pink Floyd and many others. I like a lot of the easy listening singer songwriter artists to emerge during the last decade. Katie Melua, Norah Jones, Josh Groban and Michael Buble are singers whom I enjoy. And of course some of the elder statesmen from the industry are still going strong and making new music. Paul McCartney appears to be having a purple patch which I find incredible when you consider how many years he`s been writing songs and AC/DC had a number one album just last year!
Those that have been kind enough to reply,what are your fav bands from years ago and what new music have you found that really lights your fire.

My musical life started as prog rock which i still enjoy but i have diversified alot over the years and really made an effort to like jazz but really surprisingly i have grown to like these twee bands like Belle and sebastian,the concretes,camera obscura and the killer from last year for me was El perro del mar and taken by trees whose album open field blew me away last year.Hope to hear your views

I might as well admit it - I'm totally addicted to music, can never get enough of it even though I have a very large collection, it's still never enough. At the moment there seems to be a wealth of amazing music about and since it's so readily available it's a music junkies dream. You should check out The Ship & The Iceberg by State Broadcasters I think it will be right up your street. Also I keep going back to Sufjan Stevens I think his Illinois and Michigan albums are sublime.

Bearing in mind he has a decent hi-fi I think you`ll find El Capitano was kidding.

A temporary condition I assure you.
Somebody gave me these things. I don't know what those knobs are for, or what the point of it all is.

If you're at home in the evening listening to music, then that's time you could be spending at work, maximizing your value to shareholders. Why aren't you? No wonder the cost of goods and services is so high.

I even hear that some of you juveniles stop work for something called a 'weekend'.


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