I took my headfi set up of ipod classic/Fiio E5 amp and Grado SR80s into work today. I work with a couple of major music fans who love their rock and have been to many a concert, but they have slagged me when I have tried to talk hifi to them.
When I played Led Zeppelin 'Stairway To Heaven' for one of them, her face lit up. Her comments were 'I have been listening to that track for 30 years now and not only did I hear stuff I have not heard before, I now know I had mis-heard the lyrics, that was so clear'.
That comment summed up for me why a decent hifi is so worth the money. Otherwise, you don't know what you are missing.
When I played Led Zeppelin 'Stairway To Heaven' for one of them, her face lit up. Her comments were 'I have been listening to that track for 30 years now and not only did I hear stuff I have not heard before, I now know I had mis-heard the lyrics, that was so clear'.
That comment summed up for me why a decent hifi is so worth the money. Otherwise, you don't know what you are missing.