A little surprised no-one's mentioned Tannoys! I wouldn't buy any of the new ones (unless you had some serious money for some DC8s) but you can pick up some retro second hand ones for peanuts, and i've never heard anything with more bass/mid presence. I'm not going to suggest they have the incredible, beautiful clarity (or bright/harshness) of a Monitor Audio set, but they have a really easy-breathing, deep voice and powerful sound that I think you can only get from bigger drivers, and the mids/treble are no slouch. As a guitarist and a drummer, and a heavy metal/rock listener, I can say that they gloss over the bad/thin recordings and produce a pretty authentic sound, but maybe that's just nice kit synergy.
Worth a thought if you come across a cheap as chips 2nd hand set...
e.g: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tannoy-Sixes-611-Main-Stereo-Speakers-/331253600323?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276
^ don't worry, they're not mine!
Worth noting that I thought the Q Acoustics 2050i sounded pretty nice when I demoed them a year ago...
Best of luck!
**edit**: @stevee1996 - I have to say I think their brightness is mellowed by your lovely Roksan Caspian, an amp well known for its big and powerful, rich, sound. I heard Monitor Audios with a CA 851a and felt their sound bordered on over-brightness, but I have to blame the amp to a certain extent.