Which power amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all

I am looking to add a power amp to my EB Acoustics EB1's, I have about £1000 to spend on a new or used amp. I have demo'd a Cyrus 8 power and was impressed but there are a lot of amps out there and i cant demo all of them. The quad 909 gets good reviews, has anyone tried it with these speakers. other amps that have caught my eye are

Meridian G56

Arcam P38


any opinions gratefully received
Bedimer what pre amp and source are you using, also what style of music.
Hi Nick

Initially the amp will be connected to my Denon 2310 avr to enhance stereo music, my source is an iPod Classic playing lossless files through an onkyo NDS1 tranport. Hopefully as time goes on i can add a dedicated pre-amp when funds allow. Music mainly listened to would be Folk/Blues/soul/Rock/Pop/Dance.
I would buy a second-hand power amp. Cyrus smartpower plus is effectively an 8 power. Alternatively look at end of range Quad amps.

A dedicated stereo pre-amp will make much more difference to stereo sound than the power amp. Of course one with a built-in DAC might make a lot of sense.
I think a Quad 909 would be a great buy, especially used. Not everyone seems to like it's sound, but it's smooth, powerful and natural, warmer than Cyrus competitors. Lovely!
The 909 is now discontinued, so you'll probably get a good deal on an ex-demo one if you're quick. And no, I'm not saying that to sell ours, because it's already sold for those that were thinking it
Thanks everyone

The Quad 909 does seem plentifull on ebay as does the Roksan Caspian M series 1. Both have good reviews with their respective Pre Amp. Decisions decisions Going to try and stop thinking about it for a little while, brain hemorrage imminent
I think the Quad and Caspian are two very different propositions. For me Quad has a laid back character, but as such, can be listened to without fatigue for hours upon end.

The Caspian, on the other hand, is a verile, attacking, exciting sound.

Personally, I find the Quad a little flat and an uninvolving listen. I prefer a clinical, more revealing sound, so the Roksan would be my choice. But it's not up to me! It's what floats your boat that counts.
If you're going with Cyrus, go for the X Power which is a step up from the 8. They can be had for approx. £600-£800 if you shop around.
I can vouch for the X Power. Just heard it yesterday in an all Cyrus system driving a pair of B&W 805 and was very impressed. And when my friend connected another X Power and configured it as a pair of monoblocks, the performance took another leap forward. I understand that connecting a PSX-R to each monoblock will take it up another notch. So from the angle of quality sound and upgradeability, I would say go for the X Power.
Thanks to all for your advice

I have taken the plunge and ordered an ex demo Meridian G56, i wasn't able to demo it, but their stuff seems to have a good reputation for quality. Hopefully it will gel with everything else It should arrive on tomorrow fingers crossed. Also as a side issue i ordered some Chord Silver Plus interconnects as this has good reviews on its own (although it's pretty pricey) but i also have Chord Odyssey 4 speaker cable and the blurb suggests a synergy between the two, I don't know if this is valid or just marketing spiel. wondered what you all think of this


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