Which DAC for Nait 5i?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I have tried the Caiman, but sold it to get even better sound, but which DAC would you recommend me to partner with my Nait 5i and Kudos C2s?

I need coax and usb, preferably also an optical input. Rhythm, clarity, full musical sound is what I want. I loved the Caiman, but want even bigger sound, tidier soundstage and a sound that really gets mye feet tappin`.

I have tried the Caiman, but sold it to get even better sound, but which DAC would you recommend me to partner with my Nait 5i and Kudos C2s?

I need coax and usb, preferably also an optical input. Rhythm, clarity, full musical sound is what I want. I loved the Caiman, but want even bigger sound, tidier soundstage and a sound that really gets mye feet tappin`.


I'd vote for a Chord, but they aren't cheap. The current top of the line Chord( QD something) may have all the inputs you require, but I can't be sure without checking the spec. Mine, listed below, is the one it replaced, and can be picked up relatively cheaply in the usual trading places, but I don't think it has a USB connection.

Sound-wise, a Chord maybe what you're after. The staging is expansive but controlled, and it just oozes musicality and warmth. If there's one criticism, and this applies to lots of hi-fi I suppose, is that it reveals poor or average mixing/mastering/production. But then again, so do my other components.

Good luck.

(You didn't mention your budget).
I have tried the Caiman, but sold it to get even better sound, but which DAC would you recommend me to partner with my Nait 5i and Kudos C2s?

I need coax and usb, preferably also an optical input. Rhythm, clarity, full musical sound is what I want. I loved the Caiman, but want even bigger sound, tidier soundstage and a sound that really gets mye feet tappin`.


Hi jakja83

If you can stretch your budget then Chord Electronics new Chordette Peach DAC @ £799 is one to consider. The Peach DAC has APTX bluetooth, USB, coaxial and optical inputs. I've listened the Peach DAC over the last week through Naim's Nait XS with Monitor Audio's Bronze BX2's/ATC's SCM19's and also to really test its metal mostly through ATC's SCA2/SCM100ASL Professional montiors. Imo the Peach DAC passes with flying colours and will give you the qualities you require.

The Peach DAC is the best DAC i have heard up to £1k.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Yes, I actually have a preorder for the Arcam rDAC, it will set me back just over 300 pounds + shipping, but isn`t due before september sometime.

The Peach may be even better perhaps.

Regarding the bluetooth thingie: Can I use my iPhone as a source for spotify and stream it via bluetooth to the Peach? Or have I misunderstood?
Yes, I actually have a preorder for the Arcam rDAC, it will set me back just over 300 pounds + shipping, but isn`t due before september sometime.

The Peach may be even better perhaps.

Regarding the bluetooth thingie: Can I use my iPhone as a source for spotify and stream it via bluetooth to the Peach? Or have I misunderstood?

Hi jakja83

Yes, you can use your iphone and stream music via Bluetooth to the Peach DAC.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


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