Which 42 inchPanasonics have a Cabinet Stand?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Looking to replace my 5 year old TH37 with a new sparkling full HD plasma and love the look of the integrated stands on the panasonic range but can't for the life of me find out which of the panasonic range offer the cab stand as an option.

Ideally I would like the TH42PZ85 but looking around at the various websites can't seem to determine whether the cab is available or if I need to go for the TH42PZ80.

Anyone know who does what?? If not then any recommendations - Pioneer and origin stand??


Hi mate.

We just had our px70 which had a cab replaced under warranty with the px 80 but we had to have pedastal stand as we found out that they no longer supply the px80 with a cab. I think you may find this is the same for the rest of the range but i maybe wrong.

Hope this helps

Hi Scoobster,

I was thinking the same thing recently. Despite the fact that both the new Panasonic 2008 brochure and the Panasonic website show a new 2008 Viera model on a custom-built cabinet stand, there does not appear to be any reference at either source showing which models have the stands, and certainly nothing on pricing either.

I was on the point of e-mailing Panasonic for information (but from past experience they are SHOCKING at responding to these), when I discovered by chance on the Sound and Vision website here http://www.soundandvisiononline.com/listview/index.asp?page=14&section=TV-PLASMA-AND-LCD-STANDS that 4 of the stands (at least) are available after all! Tthese are for the following models : TH-42PZ800B (presumably not "W" as shown), TH-46PZ80B, TH-50PZ80B and TH-50PZ800B. This came as a great surprise to me and no doubt will to many other readers, since there is a strange lack of advertising on this subject from both Panasonic and retailers in general.

Having said that, the stands are not cheap (£350.00 - £450.00) and 2 of them are not even stock items and need to be specially ordered. However, I'm sure that many readers would prefer the sleek lines of these custom-built stands to other "off-the-peg" examples - which makes you wonder what the reason is for all the apparent secrecy?

I hope this information is useful. As I said, it came as a real (pleasant) surprise to me!
If you're shopping around for Pana sets, look for 'CAB" on the end of the model number - that indicates it comes with the cabinet (or is at least available as an option). In the same way, 'PED" refers to the pedestal stand.
Hi Clare,

That was certainly true for everything up to and including the 2007 models. However, closer inspection of the current Products page of the Panasonic website shows that the suffix "CAB" has been abandoned for the 2008 models. The only remaining example with this suffix is a 2007 TH-58PZ700CAB, which has presumably yet to be superceded (or dropped).


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