FrankHarveyHiFi said:
char_lotte said:
Relocated , your posts towards David are getting a bit unpleasant to be honest.
I'm getting used to it.
The stupid thing is, if you take a step back and look at it with a fresh pair of specs, this isn't an active vs passive thing. It's about AVI, their methods of promotion, their and their followers/customers treatment of others, and their rubbishing of anything that isn't AVI.
I sincerely hope you haven't felt that of me in the passive vs active debate - please note I am not an AVI owner, - and whilst I support active technology as a way forward for the music and movie lover interested in high quality, plug and play, fiddle free performance, I have no plans to purchase any AVI products in the future either.
I've been told by one AVI owner that the ADM40's are an advance on my B&O Lab 9's, basically due the allegedly superior drivers; - notwithstanding that the person who stated this also mentioned that he'd never heard the Lab 9's, - and with no measurements or controlled listening test evidence to back his claim, and with his outright dismissal of other aspects of the BeoLab 9 design, one just sees it as enthusiam and pride of ownership of what is undoubtedly a great product, leading to statements being made that need to be kept in perspective.
Conversely, I'm not going to tell you that an B&O Lab 9 is a superior speaker to an AVI ADM40, as I don't have the comparitive comprehensive measurements or a ABX blind test result to back up any such statement, and accordingly would therefore not make such a statement.
Indeed, anecdotal comment would lead me to believe the AVI ADM40 is a very find loudspeaker indeed, quite possibly bettering a Lab 9 in some aspects of performance - but without in-depth measurements and controlled listening tests, who can really say? Certainly I endeavour to be very mindful of peoples feelings, and respect their choices, and not make statements about how my active speaker is better than your active speaker type rubbish, as it's just offensive and without supporting factual and in-depth evidence, (not anecdotal or 'informed' comment) relatively meaningless IMHO.
However, as an owner who wanted an integrated AV solution for music and movies to a level of performance in the highest echelons, and meanwhile offering the minimal box count possible, a stunning visual aesthetic, and with peerless R&D behind it, the Lab 9's became my ultimate choice. That is not to say that other active speaker manufacturers such as Meridian, AVI, PMC etc don't offer similar high performance solutions - I'm sure they do.
But at the end of the day it's a silly argument - I'm happy to choose between a Ferrari, Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Lexus etc, as they are all very fine motor vehicles, and I'd much prefer any of those (funds permitting) over a General Motors HSV product, fully kitted out in semi race trim etc, and I could make some arguments as to the engineering refinement and depth of detail of the others over the GMH product.
But if you prefer a BMW to a Mercedes, or vice versa, there's no argument from me; the quality and overall design and engineerng integrity is very similar, and one could be happy with either. To argue otherwise is just silly IMHO & E.
However, my argument for the active speaker/system, is, as I've tried to outline in previous posts; an option for the end user/consumer who really doesn't want to find himself going back to a dealer for upgrades, re cables, racks, power supplies, a 'new' and 'better'?? amplifier etc, and hence for such a customer, a preferable option to the passive/separates scenario, which is perhaps more suited to the home hobbyist.
I appreciate, as someone who has also worked retail in HiFi in the past, that this is not an attractive business model for a HiFi retail business; quite possibly why actives are not popular in such emporiums, and it's why I see the mix and match separates business model in time becoming more and more something that is the pursuit of the home sound hobbyist/enthusiast who uses music as a medium for tinkering with the 'sound' of kit as a very valid and interesting hobby.
However, speaking personally as a music lover, and movie buff who wants a very high performance system, and I believe for many others who also love music and movies and have similar performance aims, - and where the need to mix and match and fiddle about to try and gain an optimal performance result is not seen as a desirable experience, - the mixing and matching of separates is simply not the place these days, where I would start to build an AV system in the 21st century; actives can simply do it better, and ultimately in the long run - cheaper, - hence their growing presence in the market IMHO & E.