....And in some of the acoustically unfriendly rooms I've seen, the thought of changing speaker cables is laughably silly.As I stated above, the internal speaker wiring will be standard, good quality copper, which is used in the vast majority of HIFI, house and industrial wiring etc. Most of the industrial copper is good enough for anything, apart from scientific instances, where fine tolerances are critical. Spending thousands, even hundreds on fancy, hyped up speaker wiring is pointless. The signal is carried to your speakers via Van Den Hul Angel Hair material and then meets standard copper at the speaker. This expensive journey ends at the binding posts. Waste of money. What do people think this expensive stuff is 'adding' to the mix? If wiring made a difference, you would need the best quality metal in the national grid, all your domestic wiring, all your kit, including speakers etc. There are so many different materials in a HIFI system, but changing speaker wiring will be pointless. The effect of expensive stuff is negligible, if not zero, in a HIFI system.
Harbeth (for one) fit Van Damme cable within one model as part of its upgrades.
(Which, if nothing else, could be of psychological benefit to those using it externally).