SteveR750:On a serious note, whats the real logic for getting rid of your system? more space? Will it really make that much difference, and if not well maybe you need to think about that first. Personally I'd fight first before agreeing any changes, but then I'm recently divorced so perhaps my advice is worthless. Though, I'm happier and my hi fi is now exactly what I wanted it to be years ago.
That's a good point. Make a rough estimate of how many cubic inches it will save getting smaller components and ask her what she can do with those newly acquired, empty cubic inches.
Then there's the turntable. That either stays or goes. There is no compromise here.
Speakers have to stay. The same space will be taken up with stand mounted speakers.
If she's a reasonable enough person and you fully explain how much music (and it is all about the music) means to you, then I'm sure she'll let it go. If she doesn't, then a previous poster made a great point. Take her to the wardrobe, push one half of her clothes to one side and tell her, "They have to go too".