What would you do?

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JohnDuncan:Well luckily you have an IT Manager for a Well Known Publishing Company here who won't shut the ---- up about it. So whaddayawannaknow.....

What is the basic kit you need to start downloading or streaming music? Obviously, an IPod. . . .That's about the sum total of my knowledge (Gawd, it's so frustrating).
plastic penguin:
JohnDuncan:Well luckily you have an IT Manager for a Well Known Publishing Company here who won't shut the ---- up about it. So whaddayawannaknow.....

What is the basic kit you need to start downloading or streaming music? Obviously, an IPod. . . .That's aboutÿthe sum totalÿof my knowledgeÿ (Gawd, it's so frustrating).

Seriously you'd be better off with an Arcam Solo Mini and some AVI Neutrons.

JoelSim:plastic penguin:
JohnDuncan:Well luckily you have an IT Manager for a Well Known Publishing Company here who won't shut the ---- up about it. So whaddayawannaknow.....

What is the basic kit you need to start downloading or streaming music? Obviously, an IPod. . . .That's aboutÿthe sum totalÿof my knowledgeÿ (Gawd, it's so frustrating).

Seriously you'd be better off with an Arcam Solo Mini and some AVI Neutrons.


Maybe so, but don't dismiss the streaming option (as Joel is wont to do, bless 'im). You don't need an iPod - you could start just by plugging your PC into your hifi and ripping some tracks to it (man). Then you could get a wireless streamer so you didn't have wires trailing around the place. Then you could get rid of your CD player. Then you could get a smaller amp and hide it away. Then you could get spotify and start asking yourself whether you really need that turntable for the stuff you haven't got on CD. Blah blah.
JohnDuncan:JoelSim:plastic penguin:

JohnDuncan:Well luckily you have an IT Manager for a Well Known Publishing Company here who won't shut the ---- up about it. So whaddayawannaknow.....

What is the basic kit you need to start downloading or streaming music? Obviously, an IPod. . . .That's about the sum total of my knowledge (Gawd, it's so frustrating).

Seriously you'd be better off with an Arcam Solo Mini and some AVI Neutrons.

Maybe so, but don't dismiss the streaming option (as Joel is wont to do, bless 'im). You don't need an iPod - you could start just by plugging your PC into your hifi and ripping some tracks to it (man). Then you could get a wireless streamer so you didn't have wires trailing around the place. Then you could get rid of your CD player. Then you could get a smaller amp and hide it away. Then you could get spotify and start asking yourself whether you really need that turntable for the stuff you haven't got on CD. Blah blah.

That would mean DAC, wouldn't it? It sounds interesting and I'll certainly look into the pros and cons. Thanks, JD and the other guys for your help.

NB. When we last went to the Novetel I asked Arcam employee what he thought of the Solo which he was demonstrating in comparison to my set-up. He said very similar, but added that my kit may have the edge.
plastic penguin:JohnDuncan:JoelSim:plastic penguin:
JohnDuncan:Well luckily you have an IT Manager for a Well Known Publishing Company here who won't shut the ---- up about it. So whaddayawannaknow.....

What is the basic kit you need to start downloading or streaming music? Obviously, an IPod. . . .That's aboutÿthe sum totalÿof my knowledgeÿ (Gawd, it's so frustrating).

Seriously you'd be better off with an Arcam Solo Mini and some AVI Neutrons.


Maybe so, but don't dismiss the streaming option (as Joel is wont to do, bless 'im). You don't need an iPod - you could start just by plugging your PC into your hifi and ripping some tracks to it (man). Then you could get a wireless streamer so you didn't have wires trailing around the place. Then you could get rid of your CD player. Then you could get a smaller amp and hide it away. Then you could get spotify and start asking yourself whether you really need that turntable for the stuff you haven't got on CD. Blah blah.

That would mean DAC, wouldn't it? It sounds interesting and I'll certainly look into the pros and cons. Thanks, JD and the other guys for your help.

NB. When we last went to the Novetel I asked Arcam employee what he thought of the Solo which he was demonstrating in comparison to my set-up. He said very similar, but added that my kit may have the edge.

I'm not dissing the streaming, but if space is an issue then try to beat a Solo Mini. No need for a rack. Or a DAC. Or a streaming device. Or an amp. Or learning new technology. Or in fact anything.

JohnDuncan:You don't have to have a DAC, no, since everything mentioned above has one built in, but an external one obviously helps you get optimum quality.

I am not convinced by the Solo-Mini (although I've not heard it). I don't see much logic, please correct me if I'm wrong, if I have to spend £ 700 that sounds pretty much like my current stuff.

If she is really going to dig her heels in I think something special like the new Naim all-in-one is the answer. Although this would mean downgrading bit-by-bit.

I'll let you guys get to bed. I've got enough for the timebeing to chew over.

Once again, thanks, gentlemen.
No probs PP. Up for a while yet though - still 70,000 more albums to get through on Spotify...
All depends on the money PP. I would definitely be pushing for an upgrade if you think that's feasible without causing more rows.

I upgraded my speakers, and suggested that it would make more space and offered to forfeit the turntable, amp, a cable, a watch and my old speakers to 'pay' for it. Or kind of anyway. Will still be a few hundred short, but hey she doesn't know that.

Only the Dalis and an Omega to sell now, all else has gone.

What is it about other halves and hifi? PP, as you said earlier you have two constructive and harmless hobbies, so unless this is a sneaky way to upgrade to a Unity (in which case good on you
) then stick to your guns and say no. You could also try taking her to a good hifi dealers and show her some seriously large kit.
SteveR750:On a serious note, whats the real logic for getting rid of your system? more space? Will it really make that much difference, and if not well maybe you need to think about that first. Personally I'd fight first before agreeing any changes, but then I'm recently divorced so perhaps my advice is worthless. Though, I'm happier and my hi fi is now exactly what I wanted it to be years ago.

That's a good point. Make a rough estimate of how many cubic inches it will save getting smaller components and ask her what she can do with those newly acquired, empty cubic inches.

Then there's the turntable. That either stays or goes. There is no compromise here.

Speakers have to stay. The same space will be taken up with stand mounted speakers.

If she's a reasonable enough person and you fully explain how much music (and it is all about the music) means to you, then I'm sure she'll let it go. If she doesn't, then a previous poster made a great point. Take her to the wardrobe, push one half of her clothes to one side and tell her, "They have to go too".
Lost Angeles:Tell her half her wardrobe needs to go and she dosen't need the car and will have to catch the bus.

I like your style Lost!

She must realise how much your system means to you. We could do with some more space but I won`t consider selling my music collection or hi-fi as has often been hinted at. Why not get rid of something else in the house? Why`s the hi-fi always the first thing that gets mentioned as a possiblility? They`re a big part of my life and who I am. Think you should listen to Joel, Lost and all the others who advise you to stick to your guns. Good luck!
And if you do decide to accommodate then perhaps try and listen to a computer based music system before deciding what route to take. Look at it this way, setting up/researching might be a good project. You're more than welcome to pop in for a cup of tea and a listen if you find yourself in Gloucestershire
idc:What is it about other halves and hifi? PP, as you said earlier you have two constructive and harmless hobbies, so unless this is a sneaky way to upgrade to a Unity (in which case good on you
) then stick to your guns and say no. You could also try taking her to a good hifi dealers and show her some seriously large kit.

Noooo, just using the Naim as an example. She's a lovely lady and she's had a rough time upto about a month ago, so can't be too hard on her. When she has a pop I tend to turn a 'deaf ear.'
Fenton Beasley:Make a rough estimate of how many cubic inches it will save getting smaller components and ask her what she can do with those newly acquired, empty cubic inches.

We did that when we got an LCD telly (early adopter, 23", 1500 quid) by working out how much a square foot of real estate costs in Teddington so we could justify the outrageous expense after the fact...
JohnDuncan:Fenton Beasley:Make a rough estimate of how many cubic inches it will save getting smaller components and ask her what she can do with those newly acquired, empty cubic inches. We did that when we got an LCD telly (early adopter, 23", 1500 quid) by working out how much a square foot of real estate costs in Teddington so we could justify the outrageous expense after the fact...

The truth is the amount of extra space isn't really worth a mention - that tiny. Optical illusions - who needs it.
Mac Mini + AVI 9.1, rip CD's to USB HDD's, job done!... Or use Spotify if you don't feel like ripping.
plastic penguin:
JohnDuncan:Fenton Beasley:Make a rough estimate of how many cubic inches it will save getting smaller components and ask her what she can do with those newly acquired, empty cubic inches. We did that when we got an LCD telly (early adopter, 23", 1500 quid) by working out how much a square foot of real estate costs in Teddington so we could justify the outrageous expense after the fact...

The truth is the amount of extra space isn't really worth a mention - that tiny. Optical illusions - who needs it.

I would bargain with her. You will make the system look less bulky but it will cost a bit more (obviously only if you can afford it) to get at least as good sound. I would sell the Arcam cd player. Streaming your lossless music using a DAC would sound a lot better. Do you have a dvd player? If so, that can be used as a transport if others in the house can't get to grips with the new format. I don't use an Ipod and don't have an ITunes account. I used a Vista system with Windows Media Player and it works great. I rip my cds to WMA Lossless and the library is in Windows Media Center. I then only need a media center extender and a wireless router. You can connect the extender to your screen and DAC and you then have a remote control to access your music with all the artwork and everything else. It's wonderful.

The initial ripping takes a while but if you set aside your favourite say 50 albums first and they will take about 2 hours. Then you can do say 5 a night and whenever you buy new cds. I now have my cds boxed up so no need to have a cd rack (I have about 500 albums) so that was a hit with the missus. We will never convince Joel until Apple or Windows join forces with Arcam to make a product to go with an award winning Arcam DAC that fits his rack!!
What about one of those Brennan JB7 things? Compact and bijou, they do a number of capacities and they do a nice gun-metal finish which looks classier than the blue one.


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