what will a record clamp offer me?


New member
Feb 19, 2009
i am so close today to spending £25 on a mitchell record clamp.

so will it get rid a few crackles and improve the sound in that way or will just offer alittle more control on old vinyls that have lost its shape. is it worth while or just buy more lps
Record clamps are very good and i use one on all the records i play regardless of the shape of them. The benefits to using a clamp are that the record itself would be pressed against the plater thus minimising the warps thus helping the tracking of the cartridge. Not sure what the Mitchell clamp is regarding type. The main two are either threaded or a dead weight like my own which weighs 800 grams. If the Mitchell is threaded make sure it will fit your spindle.
sorry thats the only one i have seen, can anyone help me to which one would be best the genie2 under say £30. the mitchell one is on hifix i think its a spin one so i might not have enough length on the spindle
Found this.

£18. http://www.hi-fi-accessories-1.com/cleverclamp.htm.

Or Pro-Jects own.

£50. http://www.henleydesigns.co.uk/product.asp?shop=0&ProductID=567

Hope this helps.
£50 is a little high but i look into the 18pouns one many thanks for your time shooter
cant get that link to work shooter might be me. What site is it on tried hifi-accessories and cleverclamp but no joy.

I must admit i might have to wait to get the project one it looks good.

Is that mitchell one said it does not work on project then
Sorry try this link without the full stop!


Hears a link for the Pro-ject puck that is in stock!


The Mitchell is for Mitchell or Rega Turntable's only.
To add to all the previously mentioned benefits, it also stops your vinyl falling off the turntable
FrankHarveyHiFi:To add to all the previously mentioned benefits, it also stops your vinyl falling off the turntable

You sure you got that turntable set up correctly. LOL.
mattatnotts:The 'soft clamp' looks like it will do a good job but the 3in1 seems too good for the price. I've always been a bit dubious about cheap chinese imports, but its look reasonably well made??

Given the rest of the kit you have in your sig I'd say it's a bit late to be worrying about Chinese production quality.

ATEOTD it's a lump of metal, basically, so you'd have to wonder just how bad it has to be before it fails that criteria...
I bought the 3-in-1, and it will do what it can given it's relatively light weight at 280grams - works very well with standard (is it 100 or 120 gm) records, and i would say moderately well with 180-200gm audiophile vinyl. the spirit level on the one i bought seemed to be jutting out of the case a bit, so i promptly pushed down back into the case (how could i get a good reading if it was out of alignment in the first place) and it suffered a hairline crack in the cheap plastic. after 3 days all the fluid dried out.

but for it's price (just remember what sort of weight it has, the other clamps or weights have more substantial mass, offering better push on the record), its not too bad. might go for a gila clamp or record puck later, but will use this one for awhile since i have it already. if you havent made a purchase yet, i suggest you look at other products.


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