I bought the 3-in-1, and it will do what it can given it's relatively light weight at 280grams - works very well with standard (is it 100 or 120 gm) records, and i would say moderately well with 180-200gm audiophile vinyl. the spirit level on the one i bought seemed to be jutting out of the case a bit, so i promptly pushed down back into the case (how could i get a good reading if it was out of alignment in the first place) and it suffered a hairline crack in the cheap plastic. after 3 days all the fluid dried out.
but for it's price (just remember what sort of weight it has, the other clamps or weights have more substantial mass, offering better push on the record), its not too bad. might go for a gila clamp or record puck later, but will use this one for awhile since i have it already. if you havent made a purchase yet, i suggest you look at other products.