What to upgrade?


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Having about £500 to spend wat is best to upgrade in the stereo side?

CD-Tag Mclaren CD20R, VDH D102 cables

Amp-T175 pro, 2*C270 Bridges, VDH D102 cables

Speakers- MA Silver 8i (original), VDH Teatrack cables (2m each side)

Do I get a DAC for the CD player?, upgrade cables?

Nor sure what price your actual kit is I'm afraid, but I would certainly consider adding some decent power cables and/or mains conditioning......

What aspects are you wanting to improve on though??
Without knowing what you like about your system and what you'd like to improve its a bit finger in the air and you'll get such a variance in recommendation it'll be meaningless.

Anyway, the best upgrade is normally £500 of new records, and if you can't think of anything you'd like to buy then don't waste your money on hifi!!!