MUSICRAFT said:davidf said:Point proven.
So much for bowing out.
You’re very quick to talk about others dismissal. Over to you now. Self checkout.
Your self admiration is shameless.
MUSICRAFT said:davidf said:Point proven.
So much for bowing out.
You’re very quick to talk about others dismissal. Over to you now. Self checkout.
MUSICRAFT said:davidf said:I refuse to answer, as you’re already making assumptions about what I think anyway, and you’ll twist what I say to suit your agenda. I’m also bowing out before this conversation becomes nonsensical like the last one did.
Nice to see you adopting again *biggrin*
Surely after 5-6 years of dealing and typing away extensively about the LS50’s you can tell us in your experience what amplifier will be in full control of the LS50’s? Or could it be that you haven’t experienced LS50’s being properly driven *smile* If so, the irony given your posts in this thread *biggrin*
Btw, i have a good feeling that from your perspective the H90 will not do the job as well as the H360 regardless of speaker used *biggrin*
Andrewjvt said:MUSICRAFT said:davidf said:so that the amplifier is in full control of the speaker at all times.
So to cut to the chase to do the job PROPERLY and using as an example the LS50’s what amplifier would you recommend for them please?
Has Mr insecurity popped out for a visit?
Man, what happened to you as a child?
Has something made you extra grumpy today or this morning, perhaps?
How copeMark Rose-Smith was a nice wee thread for a while.And it's went a bit tits up.
QuestForThe13thNote said:Andrewjvt said:MUSICRAFT said:davidf said:so that the amplifier is in full control of the speaker at all times.
So to cut to the chase to do the job PROPERLY and using as an example the LS50’s what amplifier would you recommend for them please?
Has Mr insecurity popped out for a visit?
Man, what happened to you as a child?
Has something made you extra grumpy today or this morning, perhaps?
please don’t post this stuff its very nasty and unpleasant.
Mark Rose-Smith said:I cope just fine Andrew and don't be trying to agrivate me into some sort of thread spat.....I've read a few threads where you three are at it...keep it to among yourselves please.
Andrewjvt said:Mark Rose-Smith said:I cope just fine Andrew and don't be trying to agrivate me into some sort of thread spat.....I've read a few threads where you three are at it...keep it to among yourselves please.
I'm just defending David from being trolled (again)
Go back and read to see who was minding their own business first before you point the finger.
QuestForThe13thNote said:If David and Rick have differences of opinion that get very strained then its up to them, leave it with them, but from what I’ve read they are often both giving it two barrels.
Cool. Thanks.CnoEvil said:gel said:When you say presentation, do you mean sound?CnoEvil said:It's about presentation - I just don't get on with Naim's sound signature. The 2 brands should be tested side by side, at the equivelent price point, before any decision should be made.
Yes. Every brand stamps its character on the sound.
Back on topic guys please. Cheers.davidf said:Amazing how one person’s nonsense also gets imposed on the person it was aimed at infecting. I’ll defend myself to a point, as I did, but I refuse to get into things once common sense exits stage right.
As with the previous incident with Rick, I’ve bowed out before things go all Twilight Zone. Anyone can read back and see how things started.
QuestForThe13thNote said:Andrewjvt said:Mark Rose-Smith said:I cope just fine Andrew and don't be trying to agrivate me into some sort of thread spat.....I've read a few threads where you three are at it...keep it to among yourselves please.
I'm just defending David from being trolled (again)
Go back and read to see who was minding their own business first before you point the finger.
yes and in the process referring to people having childhood problems which isn’t pleasant. What if that had happened. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
So in the process of highlighting it, you are as bad as the person doing it, making it unpleasant for others. You seem more than intelligent enough to realise this Andrew. Respectfully, please stop doing this.
If David and Rick have differences of opinion that get very strained then its up to them, leave it with them, but from what I’ve read they are often both giving it two barrels.
QuestForThe13thNote said:Well there you go again. Any chance. And yes I do think you are overly aggressive on this forum. We see it time and time again from you.
I don’t need to read it, it’s pathetic mate, the fact you think it’s ok to take a perceived wrong as a put down and to insult Rick talking about childhood etc, tells me all I need to know. It’s exactly what you’ve done before to me. It doesn’t matter what he has done. Are you actually an adult or child?
rather than not being a man about it, as I did and apologised, you could just say sorry for the perspective of karma. This forum has been very respectful for a while. You can’t make such insults online. The other two should apologise to each other frankly. But this isn’t about me atm is it. It’s about you.
You’ve not only brought me in, but Mark too. I reckon your preferred forum is one where everyone has at it and puts up with it. Maybe post elsewhere.
QuestForThe13thNote said:To want pay back all the time. Let me tell you that will eat away at the soul, and I’ve been there.
common sense is not to start referring to someone’s childhood in a derogatory way, whatever the context, and to rise above. So next time you see him doing what you see an injustice, why not just ignore it. You have no need. David is a big boy. I just dislike the abuse online.
nobody is going to annoy me if it’s against me, not least I will ignore personal matters from now on. But I see someone do it to someone else, why should people ignore it. Call it out for what it is, not least there doesn’t appear any moderation on here, which in some ways is a good thing, if people behave themselves.
Am I not right everyone else?
steve_1979 said:Rick @ Musicraft - You are not doing youself any favours by presenting yourself this way as a dealer. Whether it is intensional or not it makes you look like a troll towards David.
DavidF - I think you would do best by just not rising to the bait and ignoring his comments altogether (easier said than done I know).
Anyone else getting involved (ironically including me as well now) please just stop. Thank you.