davidf said:And this is what happens when manufacturers try and appeal to everyone. The majority may well want one box streaming systems, but don't try and validate budget boxes with crazy expensive speakers they have no hope of controlling and making a good sound with, despite this approach being a common one on forums. It's one thing for this industry to destroy itself from the inside by the dealers it chooses, but to then give it a helping shove by showing people that a system worth five figures isn't worth anywhere near that, and give the impression to potential new customers that "high end" sounds naff, is quite another.QuestForThe13thNote said:At the indulgence show a naim/focal guy was trying to say the nova was all you needed with £10k ish focal speakers, and it just sounded terrible. Relatively flat and poor dynamically. I’m sure it would have sounded a hell of a lot better used with speakers in the £1500-3k class though.
I can see that must be very frustrating for a dealer as it’s ridiculously self defeating and contradictory for hifi manufacturers to have these approaches. Cyrus do it with the cyrus one at shows too. It’s obviously done to catch people out who don’t know what £10k speakers sound like when driven really well, so that somehow the customer thinks they can have some of that sound quality with the expensive speakers by buying a relatively inexpensive amp /streamer unit. It doesn’t effect the slimmer audiophile market within that firm, as those who know like yourself David, and myself, will still spend on the decent gear to get the full or near full performance out of the speakers and matching like for like.