What Cables to use


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am just in the process of upgrading my system. I am going to wall mount the new tv feed all the cables through the wall to the other room and then use the Harmony 895 remote to control them. I will be keeping the Tivo and Virgin cable for now until I have Sky HD early part of next year when my contract with virgin has run out but will be changing the rest to the Panasonic TH-42PX70B, Onkyo TX-SR605, Sony RDR-HXD970 DVD recorder, Netgear EVA 8000 and I have already purchased the Audica CS-System1 speaker package as much for looks as sound ( the wife’s fault)and will be keeping the QED silver anniversary speaker cable that I have from the old system. I have also purchased two Tacima CS929 6 way mains conditioners to power everything. Now to the question what is the best way to connect this lot together do I connect it all to the receiver and then to the tv or some straight to the tv also do I need to feed extra cables to allow for Tivo and Cable upgrades later hope you can help with this problem many thanks in advance Ian.
Has nobody got any advice for a very confused middle aged man that can't get his head around all this HDMI stuff lol cheers Ian.


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