What are my rights?


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Aug 10, 2019
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As I have reported in other posts I have a problem with backlight bleed on my Panasonic 32LXD700 and the retailer is coming to inspect it tomorrow. I got the TV on the 25th Nov and reported this problem on the 17th Dec (I waited to see whether it would resolve itself)so wonder whether I have any rights to insist on a replacement rather than repair? At first it was just a small yellow cloud in the top left hand corner but it is getting worse over time and really spoiling an otherwise great TV. If the TV is taken away for repair then I will be left without a TV which doesn't seem fair since I only got it a couple of months ago. It doesn't help that I am not feeling very well so not up to arguing but hopefully won't have to! I just want to be prepared so would very much appreciate some advice. Also I am a single female so a bit worried that he might try to fob me off!


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You are not entiteld to a replacement set at this stage, unless the retailer makes a goodwill gesture. Where did you purchase it? In these cases we provide a loan set if a customer's TV has to be sent away. I think that is a basic element of customer service and, though fairly rare, I think you should certainly ask for this if your set has to be sent away for repair. What you are entitled to, if the set is faulty, is a repair that returns the set to full specification performance and within a reasonable time frame. The extra touches are completely at the customer's discretion but if they value your future custom and their local reputation I'm sure they will do good by you. I certainly hope that no retailer is foolish enough to take advantage of the fact that you are a single female. Let us know how you get on.


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Further to my last post, given the fact that Panasonic sets are largely very reliable and the dealer probably gets very few such problems, if the set is faulty I think, especially given the fact that you reported it fairly early, the dealer could go that extra mile and agree to swap the set for a new one. Good luck with it.


[quote user="matthewpiano"]Further to my last post, given the fact that Panasonic sets are largely very reliable and the dealer probably gets very few such problems, if the set is faulty I think, especially given the fact that you reported it fairly early, the dealer could go that extra mile and agree to swap the set for a new one. Good luck with it.[/quote]

I hope my retailer (local man) thinks the way you do!

My reasoning was that this problem was there when I got the TV so didn't actually develop a fault and, therefore,requesting a replacment wouldn't be unreasonable? ie a repair won't return it to it's original state.

For interests sake when can you expect a replacement without any hassle?



Well the TV retailer came to see my TV today and I am gutted!

He couldn't really see the problem as the room wasn't dark enough and the Tv had only been on for an hour (it gets worse the longer it is on)

I have it set to Cinema as this is what I prefer but he set it to Normal as he said this would best and when he checked out a blank channel on this the screen was bright at first but then 'switched' to a darker screen where the backlight bleed was less visible.

However, surely it should be okay on all settings?

He has offered to take it away for inspection but would only give me a 21" TV in return!!!!!

I can't work due to illness and my TV is really important to me so I don't know what to do.

I must admit I have just had a good cry as the stress is getting to me! This TV was a considered purchase as it was very expensive and am not happy at all!


For what its worth, I sympathise with your situation.

There seems to a growing trend in retailers not going the extra mile to provide a quality service nowadays.

For the benefit of the other forum users, IMO I would suggest you name and shame the company you are having issue with. After all, there are so many people using WHFS&V as their starting point for purchases like yours.................. it would be in the retailers interests to pull their finger out and simply replace your TV, rather than tarnishing their reputation further!

On a more positive note for future reference, from experience I have always had good service from the likes of John Lewis, you have a very respectable policy of a full refund and/or exchange if you are not completely satisfied.

PS. No, I don't work for John Lewis!


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Jun 18, 2007
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Hello, sorry you are having a bad time with your new tv, now take a step back, try not to get worked up about it and lets go through a few things BUT please bear with me as I am not too up on lcd's yet. What setting have you got the backlight on ? (you need to go on the service menu to set this) It should be set at halfway or slightly less, the contrest should be just over halfway. Make sure all the leads are fitted and not lose, keep the leads away from each other (as much as possible), esp mains cable. Backlight bleed is seen as normal on all lcd's but it should not be as bad as you say, it sounds to me like interference or a faulty lcd screen, if it spoils the picture for you then something is not right and you should have it replaced, not repaired as you have only had it a few months and made the shop aware of the problem within a few weeks.

If you are still unhappy get intouch with your local trading standards.

Keep your chin up, it will get sorted.


Thanks ever so much both!

I am just feeling very 'sensitive' just now as not keeping well at all and don't have the strength to argue!

I haven't tried changing the backlight via the service menu as Panasonic told me this was not accessible to the owner so not sure whether it will affect the warranty?

All connections are fine and I am using good quality cables.

I really wish I had got it from John Lewis as I have heard good things about their customer service. I made the wrong decision though as I thought it would be best to go with a local retailer for convenience. Also, I thought it would be best to get him to set it all up but I now see I could have done this myself.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing!

I really don't know what to do now. I really don't want a 21" TV whilst he takes the other one away for 'inspection'. Dancing on Ice would look awful on this!
The ideal scenario would be to get some money so I could buy one from John Lewis and put the 'old' one in my bedroom.
Any kind millionaires on this forum?lol

Thanks again guys. I appreciate your feedback.


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Oct 4, 2007
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I don't know if this is a possiblity - could you have the set tested by an independent dealer that both you and your present supplier could agree to abide by their decision? If the independent dealer sees a problem, the set is returned to supplier and swapped for a new one but if the independent does not see a problem, you keep the tv.

Hope you can get it sorted one way or the other.




I don't think this will be possible as I live in the far North of Scotland and the only other retailers would be in 'opposition' to the guy I bought it from so don't think he would agree with this.

I have come to the conclusion that he is a stubborn git and wish I had never bought anything from him but bought online!

Someone in the 'trade' is contacting Panasonic for me so will see how he gets on.

I was told that maybe I should accept the loan of the 21" TV to see if I can get this sorted out but, maybe I am being pig headed, I think this is totally unfair since I have only had the TV for just under two months.

Dancing on Ice will look rubbish on this!

He couldn't say how long they would keep it for but just that they would let it run for a few days and see if they could see a fault. This is from the man who said all TVs in his shop looked the same to him!!!

I have to say this is really stressing me so very much hope I can get it sorted out soon. A win on the lottery would be a help!

Thanks ever so much everyone for your good wishes. It is so good to 'talk' to people who understand and don't think it is is just a telly!!


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Jun 18, 2007
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Hello thanks for the information on my Humax I have got the series link to work and yes the extra 32x is very usefull just a shame the time padding does not work with the series link. Back to your tv, I don't think anyone on here thinks it's just a telly, you brought an expensive well known tv in good faith and should not have to put up with this rubbish, to me it does sound like the screen is faulty, you may get a slight yellow colour with the backlight but not blue as well, on an lcd some dark programs may look gray or just not jet black but not yellow / blue, backlight bleed also stays mainly in the corner of the tv, you may have to let him take the tv back to allow him to see for himself but it does sound like he does not know or care much about what he sells, as you made the shop aware of a problem within a few weeks of buying the tv and the high price of the tv this does give you the right to refuse the goods under the consumer of goods act as the goods are not fit for the purpose. I can only give you advise, but imo no way should you accept a repair. Have you tried to speak to trading standards?


Hi Kitkat!

You are very welcome and glad you got series link working.

What I find is that with the yellow 'hue' on my backlight that blacks can look quite brown.Even if there is a bit of yellow backlight showing should the screen be quite even? Mine isn't!

I was thinking about it last night in bed (as I tossed and turned) that he stood near the TV and so probably wouldn't see the backlight bleed from this angle. He also kept flicking through the bloody channels and changing the settings!

He kept putting it to Normal and when he did this the blank screen 'switched' to almost dark after a few secs and he looked at me with a smug look on his face! I did ask him to sit where I do to watch the Tv but he wouldn't!

He should have sat where I sit on the sofa, using the settings I prefer (it should be okay on all settings!)and staying on the blank channel.
I just have the feeling that if he takes the TV to the shop he will do exactly the same thing and then say he can find nothing wrong! Then I would have gone through all the hassle, and put up with a 21" TV, all for nothing!

I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall and the stress is making me quite ill.

I will have a word with trading standards thanks.

On a lighter note I see you are fellow cat lover? Is that your own cat as your Avatar? He/she is lovely and looks very cosy!lol


Get in touch with Panasonic directly and complain both about your TV and the dealer. Number should be in you documantation that came with the TV. Also get in touch with the local trading standards - make an issue of this and enjoy making this dealers life hell.

Might not do you much good, but might help the next poor unfortuante soul who buys a TV off him.


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Jun 18, 2007
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Yes he is my cat, he is 15yrs and I have had him since he was 4 weeks old (he was rescued long story) people keep saying he must be female because he's so cute !! But he is a little monkey, loves to jump up and sit on my speakers and loves to sit on the telly, keep telling him one day when I have my new flat screen he will jump up and get a shock no where to put his paws !!!! Good job I love him. Have you got any further, What did Panasonic, trading standards say ? Hope things are getting better for you.


Thanks everyone!

I had actually emailed Panasonic before I read your posts so will see what they say. If I get no joy I will phone them.

I haven't tried trading standards yet as not well just now but will in a few days.

I just wondered whether we are supposed to put up with some backlight bleed? Mind you I don't think there should be a yellow cloud in the top left hand corner (this is where it is most noticable) on dark scenes should there? Especially on such an expensive TV!

It is a real shame as, apart from this, it is a great TV.

I really, really appreciate your support. It is so good to 'speak' to people who understand.


[quote user="kitkat"]Yes he is my cat, he is 15yrs and I have had him since he was 4 weeks old (he was rescued long story) people keep saying he must be female because he's so cute !! But he is a little monkey, loves to jump up and sit on my speakers and loves to sit on the telly, keep telling him one day when I have my new flat screen he will jump up and get a shock no where to put his paws !!!! Good job I love him. Have you got any further, What did Panasonic, trading standards say ? Hope things are getting better for you.[/quote]

Hi Colin

He is lovely!

I am a real animal lover and have three cats and am also a volunteer with my local Cats Protection.

Sorry folks I know this isn't a pet forum! We could do with being able to send private messages to each other as in other fourms.



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Nov 23, 2007
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[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
As long as you don't mind 8000+ other forum users also having it...
Maybe we should all Email him. That should make spam look tame.


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