What amp for Dali speakers?

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lambopower said:

Just a bit hesitant i guess. I'm mostly afraid that it will end up sounding the same as the Yamaha, making me wonder why i spent all that money and leaving me to feel like crap in the process 🙂

Few months back i did not know that there was any difference in sound between different amps, just more/less power. My brain can't comprehend how it will make a difference in the sound being reproduced but that's just the noob in me i guess 😀

OK. A few points.

The Creek is a fine amplifier that costs substantially more than the Yamaha and is, in general terms, a superior amplifier. However all systems are different so it's superiority may be more or less noticeable, hence the advice to listen first.

Differences between amplifiers can be pretty small, a lot depends on how hard they are required to work in any given system, when asked to work hard, the better amplifier really comes into its own. I'm not just talking about power here, the speaker load makes a big difference as does the complexity of the music, furthermore the voicing of the speaker will make it more suited to some amplifiers rather than others.
The discount they have on it lasts the whole december so have plenty of time to think about it. I guess i will end up buying eventually since I need 2 amp's around anyway.

Have a pair of older Technics SB-M1000 (4way crazy stuff in 1998) sitting around collecting dust in my living room so i'd move the Yammy to those and have a listen. Had an old A/V sony receiver on them that was massively crap so quite curious how they will sound actually.

Ordered the Creek. They sold all stock with this discount, the lady told me, so i'm gonna be taking their 2 week old demo, nicely ran it. I prefer it this way tbh. Will pickit up later today or tommorow depending on how lazy I am 🙂

Found some nasty track that really puts my speakers to shame @ 12 o'clock on my Yamaha. The bass just looses all control and flabbers around like ****, @ 1 PM on the volume knob it starts distorting bad.

Curious how the creek will sound at that same volume level (db not same knob position..)

Cheers guys :cheers:
Sounds nice 🙂

Much warmer sounding then the yammy, instrument separation and definitions is better and the bass doesn't feel as "boomy" at high volume and sounds more "clean". There is more quality in the sound, don't know how to explain it.

Don't regret the money spent.

lambopower said:
Sounds nice 🙂

Much warmer sounding then the yammy, instrument separation and definitions is better and the bass doesn't feel as "boomy" at high volume and sounds more "clean". There is more quality in the sound, don't know how to explain it.

Don't regret the money spent.


Good start.

Next job is to work on the positioning and setup of the speakers.

Spike them to the floor, adjust positioning and take particular care with the distance from the back wall. Work on minimising any tendancy towards boom.

Use toe in to adjust the soundstage.

Messed with that alot last week. I can't put them that much further from the wall (now they have around 30cm or so) because they sit on the long side of the room. Any more forward and they end up in the middle of the room, next to me 🙂

Sounds good to my ears though. Lucky the dali's have the ports on the front..
lambopower said:

Messed with that alot last week. I can't put them that much further from the wall (now they have around 30cm or so) because they sit on the long side of the room. Any more forward and they end up in the middle of the room, next to me 🙂

Sounds good to my ears though. Lucky the dali's have the ports on the front..

Now, what power amp would you recommend to hook up to this? :rofl:

Do try and vary the distance from the wall, that may help.

Porting is not an issue unless you are going very close, there is a lot of nonsense talked about rear ported speakers.

Taking your frivilous power amp question seriously for a moment, think about it. The Creek may only be a nominal 50 watts but it has a decent sized power supply, in excess of 350 watts so current delivery, even into difficult loads will be good.

I am a great believer in headroom, ie big amplifiers, but unless something exceptional is available at a very sensible price I wouldn't bother, your ampspeaker pairing is nicely balanced.
Gonna play with them some more tommorow. Have to remove some piece of furniture from the room which really blocks the left speaker and move the desk around a bit to give'em more breathing space.

Been listening to random stuff for the last couple of hours and the instrument separation and integration is much better. The whole sound is much warmer overall.

The guys at the shop had some Martin Logan Motion 15's plugged into it when i arrived and damn, it was like sitting next to a fire. Very very worm and mellow sound. I really liked those bookshelfs.
lambopower said:
Gonna play with them some more tommorow. Have to remove some piece of furniture from the room which really blocks the left speaker and move the desk around a bit to give'em more breathing space.

Been listening to random stuff for the last couple of hours and the instrument separation and integration is much better. The whole sound is much warmer overall.

The guys at the shop had some Martin Logan Motion 15's plugged into it when i arrived and damn, it was like sitting next to a fire. Very very worm and mellow sound. I really liked those bookshelfs.

Now you tell me......... 😉

Ribbon hybrids are not uncommon and have a character of there own. The Motion 15s are about £900 in the uk, not cheap for a small speaker.

For about the same money in the UK, you can get these.


The Adam Artist 6, a fully active system with a similar folded ribbon tweeter. I am quite familier with these, the top is very smooth and detailed and the bass fast and tight, very nice indeed. Adam are a German company so they are available all over europe at about the same price.

Having just bought a Creek I can't really suggest these to you as it would not be a sensible option, the Creek amps would not be used, so something of a waste. The smaller models would make a smashing second or desktop system, they, the Artist 3 and 5, have a usb input so can be driven straight off a computer.
lambopower said:
Small room, 4 x 6 m. I need tight bass control and good detailing at low volume levels. Just want a refined and detailed sound really but it should keep everything in check at high volume also.

The music i listen to usually has alot of bass, the fast type. The prodigy for example.

At this moment i use the RA-12 in combination with the Dali ikon 5 mk2. In my opinion this is a good combination because the high levels are good on the ikons en bass is not to much.

The best sound you get when you playing it between 40% and 70%, below you will miss the body en above you will make it difficult to bring everything in good detail. It gives a good tight and deep bass. It is not that detailed in the high.

I think for the zensor 7 it will not be a good match. The bass wil be to big and in the high levels you will miss something.

My current setup is

PC /w Xonar Essence ST to MF M1DAC via digital coax to Yamaha A-S500 to Dali Zensor 7.

I want to replace the Yamaha and have around 1000£ to spend.

Options would be

Naim 5si

Yamaha A-S1000

Roksan K2

Creek Evo 50A (good discount on this one locally, 30%)

Audiolab 8200A

Rotel RA-12

Arcam A28

Musical Fidelity M3i

What would be the best choice for my Dali's? My current top option right now would be the MF m3i but open to suggestions

Also, it would have to be noticeable over the a-s500 🙂

Very few people ever complain about Rotel. Always great reviews on any of their gear.
And how has this harmed you? No need to be rude and ignorant. The solution is simple- delete old threads.
I was neither being rude nor ignorant, perhaps if anything it is you that appears to be ignoring the obvious like checking the dates of postings, etc.
Old threads have their place here for people to read and get opinions not necessarily to comment on.
In fact there used to be a rule against this.
Perhaps, after a certain age, they should be locked but certainly not removed.
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