Absolutely. The exchanging of different opinions is the lifeblood of all fora (or forums, to be less poncy), social media and, I dare say, pretty much all human interactions.
Sadly there's a very many people who don't seem to understand the not-very-fine difference between disagreeing with someone's opinion and making a personal attack. I spend quite a lot to time on forums, from music to photography, food to football and not last politics; I'd say that for every three decent and sensible people - who know how to disagree without descending into attacks ad hominem - there's a keyboard warrior who seems to get their kicks just from provoking, attacking or insulting others. And not counting trolls...
That said, this is probably one of the tamest forums I visit, but nonetheless not completely devoid of keyboard warriors (or enablers - people who maybe don't go for personal attacks themselves but "cheer on" those who do - and who in my book are just as bad).