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having read the post , i do notice some prices too high for lower quality cd players said to be audiophiles ones and some with higher quality like Pioneers are sold cheap till a certain reference lefting out the URUSHI series that is also over priced as the ES from Sony , this because in need of a extra cd player with a good dac, noticed this after reading their specifications, and those with same specifications as Pioneers from the 90´s are only transport , either in second hand or new, ended up buying a Pioneer for 55€+14.50€ in transport being the same as some Linn , copland and others i can´t even remenber their names because are rare to see these brands like c.e.c(belt driven ), burmester etc.
Also when using till 79 amplifiers ,the sound of the sources seems better without a doubt ,like if you take the treble and bass in old amplifiers the sound under is good , in more recent ones it seems a weak and bad sound when not using tone controls, and are pricey. Only using direct sound with tube amplifiers or really good ones from the 70´s as Macintosh , Luxman, Pioneer and accuphase, NAD(new acoustic dimension). Almost forget to refer Hitachi and HH. Scott, using all modern speakers, this includes integrated amplifiers, receivers , pre and power amplifiers .
Also good material New is too expensive as it were in the past but yet still afordable.
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Rotel RA412 amp, NAD 3020 series 20, NAD 3020B, Rega Planar2, and a couple of Pioneer A400s, MIssion 780se's, only one still used regularly is the NAD 3020 series 20, the others are safely stored, i just can't part with them
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Linn Axis about '87-ish as I recall, from some dealer off the Tottenham Court Road somewhere - maybe somebody might suggest some names I can't recall it? Wasn't the Cornflake Shop I know that. Monitor Audio Studio 20SE's late nineties.

Both well upstaged by a recent purchase, a Nak 482Z from about 1980, off fleabay. All in regular use.
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I still run a pair of Mission Monitors from 1980-ish and a Rebel Revolver turntable which (I believe) was the forerunner of the remote motor belt driven turntables of today.
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Still have my first set up have not taken them out of their boxes in 40+ years, A Leak Delta 30 amp, a pair of Warfdale Glendale speakers (bought together S/h from a retired BBC engineer in the mid 1970's £50 and a Garard SP25 with the S shaped arm in kit form from Jones Radio in Slough I think the turntable + arm was £25 & the case & lid was £15 and if I remember correctly I fitted a Shure M75 cartridge which was about a tenner. I was still at school & had a pt job & I went without school dinners & walked to school and used the dinner money & bus fairs to supplement the pt job wages to purchase this set up. It sounded pretty good back then, my school mates were always bringing their recently purchased vinyl round to listen to on my set up, Most of them only had there parents music centres to listen on.
Rega Planar 3 which I bought in 1986. I did have to get the tonearm rewired a couple of years ago but apart from that, all is good.
I have a Rega Planner 3 of the same vintage. I didn't buy it new, it was given to me sometime in the late 90's it sat on a shelf at work for years. I think our service manager at work was too nervous to touch it. So last year I finally took it to a local hifi dealer and had it fettled. Rewired tonearm, a cap in the motor replaced, as it ran backwards after about 10 minutes use.
I bought a Dual CS - 505 when putting my first proper hifi separated together. That is in the cellar needing repairing.
I have a pair of Celestion UL6 bookshelf speakers. Named by some Japanese HiFi organisation as bookshelf speaker of the year in 1976.
Still in good nick and sounding quite tasty considering their age.

You'll also note, from the equipment listed in my profile, that I have a 30 year old CD transport by Rotel and it's matching DAC. The CD transport sounds magic with separate power supplies for the mechanics and the audio. The DAC allows four optical inputs and four coaxial so you can mess about to your hearts content. Combined the transport and DAC provide a sound without the harshness of some other digital equipment.
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What about the ones that got away? The ones you sold, gave away, lent out and now regret.

Trio KA-2002 amp - lent to brother-in-law and never seen again
Goldring Lenco GL75 TT- lent to brother-in-law and never seen again
Ortofon OM20 cart - lent to brother-in-law and never seen again
NAD 140 rec - sold, God knows why
Grado F1+ cart - lost in a packing case between the UK and Ireland
B+W DM100 spkrs - lost in a packing case between the UK and Ireland - nice for the kitchen
So today I got a NAD C541 cd player from about 2001 for a mere £135 on Ebay. It sounds surprisingly good via the phono outputs and even better via my Cambridge Audio DAC. It has HDCD capability too.

s-l1600 (1).jpg
Yamaha CA-2000 amp from the late 1970s. It's the amp I use in my main system, with big modern JBL speakers to create that 1970s vibe. The sound is glorious.

The Yamaha is as good as any amp I've had. I'm using it in preference to a Devialet that I've had for 8 years or so. The Yamaha sounds as good as the Devialet and is much prettier. The big Japanese firms like Sony, Pioneer and Yamaha made some wonderful hi-fi amps back in the 1970s, before they diverted their resources into AV equipment in the 1980s and '90s.

The Maverick Show was today and my vintage Leak got an outing. Possibly the oldest thing at the show.

Loads of people came through my room during the day and I had quite a few positive comments about how it all sounded. A couple of pics for anyone interested.

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My latest purchase, a NAD 6220 from 1986-88. The What Hi Fi best Budget Cassette Deck 1987. Fully serviced and in excellent condition for £93 on E Bay. It sounds surprisingly good although that is dependant on the condition of my tapes which are of similar vintage, some better than others but either way, I'm glad I scratched this itch to play some old cassettes again.


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