I suspect there are a few here who would say that you are similarly welcome to believe what you do, but it's not real.
Each to their own indeed, but I fear there's a degree of disinformation in implying that old = good and new = inferior.
well it´s the changes that are so evident and seems no one noticed from decade to decade ,
always thinking in ways to build cheaper and charge more, this made by all brand that exist not only most of them,
i can give the example that in 1980 one look at the new turntables , even from well known brands ,that i used to critisize, but if well installed they sounded perfect,
now i miss them as no new turntable till 2.000€ including the cartridge as even a similar quality sound ,for the better,
it´s today a totally diferent technology(the worst of all seen) that made us return to early turntables with diamond tip cartridges,
it seems that in some years they will charge more and give you a bag of parts and than "you put it together"it is now close to that, like if the people who lived in the 70´s, 80´s and 90´s all died and left no knowledge to future generations ,
no one today can think that they listen to records like it used to be regualr in those decades i refer but no minimum quality component system was worst than today´s things that can reproduce sound like in the past were used turntables that had old and perfect sound release ,
i can give the example of a old german friend who lives 60 kms apart from me and he only came to Portugal in the 70´s and he has all good turntables known to men but some years ago he said "i´m going to germany and buy a Pro-Ject turntable " to which us, his friends told him , "why ,you don´t need it and new turntables are so bad" ,
but he did it and after christmas and new years eve ,he returned and said that i should visit him to see his good Pro-Ject turntable, and so i did ,
well when arriving there he had some 80´s B&W 800´s nautilus and a early 70´s tube amplifier made by him with 200watts for channel real watts r.m.s. at 4 ohms, it´s a giant device with the biggest tubes i ever saw much bigger and better than in sold tube amplifiers ,with only a cd player like mine a CEC from the 90´s and a signature turntables with a 70´s mc cartridge ,
next was the most expensive turntable Pro-Ject still sales , i was like strucked by lightening as it sounded perfect , how could it be i thought to myself , well the explanation came next,
between the turntable itself and the cartridge he spent 14.000€ , this in 2021 i think a year or two diference at the most ,
the turntable was cheaper than the cartridge but for sure it will not last almost 60 years like old turntables from late 60´s, with top quality
After all said it sounds good but not out of this world like many turntables he owns. just a example .
What about digital and Analog war, cold war type , the perpetuated format or compact disc developed in the 70´s and still the worst format after the 8-track cartridge, in late 80´s the DAT when released for home use i bought the only standart size sony DAT and what a sound and it was digital and were the 80´s ,
some like me even compared it with good open reel decks , but the cd what are they doing in 2024 that still in use the first digital source of sound released for home use and off course it was nothing like it was defined by years of publicity and information not real ,
I listen to vinyl but since 1993 only used at most 10 times my turntable and even spent money on one in 96 this maybe to revitalised the will to continue the use of records at home ,
but only by chance in 2017 i started by doing maintenance to one of my cassette decks and a turntable the last i had bought a thorens TD2001 all personalized with a ortofon cartridge when ortofon meaned "Quality assured"in any cartridge they sold ,now it´s amongst the worst i ever listened to ,which feels strange,
Also have to refer having installed spotify on my computer that i discovered a lot of bands or artists that the last time i heard of them was in late 90´s but now i could see they kept releasing albums, if not from the band, their solo work,
and that´s how i re-started to spend money again in cds and records, maybe since then i bought 500 cds ,very cheap and 70 albums ,some very good others came dirty but sealed, so i would like digital to incrase it´s quality but no it´s bad as it was in early 80´s but at the time at least they were made from a expensive material and everything was better than after 1990 ,
so i think i can say that as we evolve everything turns bad and cheaply built not only in the hi-fi world but also cars my second hobby. Today i think people are free to choose and who am i to disagree it´s their money,
Snake oil is sold but i´m not from the quality control or if some didn´t knew there was a consumer protector agency that it seems they have become extinct,
it´s like Anarquy in the name of profit, as we see all days on tv at all levels of human life