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Not the same turntable but some good advice here:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM-aIDwfrhc&feature=emb_rel_pause
Yes, have one. Perhaps you can advise: firstly,I set it up on the outer ring as accurately as I could with the naked eye. Do I then move the stylus to the inner scale and separately adjust it if necessary?....and get yourself one of these.
Sleeve City Turntable Cartridge Stylus Alignment Protractor Mirrored Tool : Amazon.co.uk: Musical Instruments & DJ
Free delivery and returns on eligible orders of £20 or more. Buy Sleeve City Turntable Cartridge Stylus Alignment Protractor Mirrored Tool at Amazon UK.www.amazon.co.uk
Ensure that the turntable is completely level before performing any adjustments, this part is important as if it's not level then the rest of your adjustments will be out.
When balancing the tonearm with zero VTF try to get it level with the platter, I use a triangular ruler for this purpose and eye-ball along its length to ensure it is parallel with the platter; a straight edge of some kind will assist you greatly.
Next use the scales to dial in some VTF, e.g. 2g, then use the stylus alignment gauge to align the cartridge correctly, this part is critical and requires time and patience to get spot-on, (I believe an illuminated jewellers loupe is an essential piece of kit to correctly align a cart using the guage; failing that a torch and and some very good eyes will suffice).
Once aligned re-check the VTF and adjust if necessary, Goldring recommend 2g but can be adjusted to suit up to a max of 2.5g.
You've done well so far 👍 Any problems or Q's just come back and ask, we've all had to learn the hard way and most of us are self-taught. YouTube is your friend here
Yes, have one. Perhaps you can advise: firstly,I set it up on the outer ring as accurately as I could with the naked eye. Do I then move the stylus to the inner scale and separately adjust it if necessary?
Instructions for your protractor say:Spent sometime today fine tuning with protractor and stylus scales. Set at 2gm. It didn’t help that distortion on the right channel was evident due to the red wire continually detaching on the cartridge. One question though. Placed the stylus bang on the bullseye of the Hudson Hifi protractor and the front edge of the cartridge was parallel to the grid lines but not actually on the heavier center line. The cartridge is fully forward within the head shell. Does this sound correct?
LOL! I think I am probably making it sound more complicated than it actually is to set up a turntable and tonearm. Sometimes the more you look for information, the more confusing and complicated your subject matter seems to become. I watched one video on how to set up correctly and honestly, the many elaborate tools they were using wouldn't have looked out of place in a scientific lab full of boffins! It all seemed over-elaborate. I keep telling myself that once it is set up correctly, then that's it for the foreseeable. The only reason I started on this project was that a) I had just retired, b) I managed to create a dedicated AV room in the house and c) I had a garage full of dormant hifi equipment Every time I went on the hunt in said garage I found some piece of equipment I had forgotten about. Yesterday it was a Sony receiver from the mid 1990's! I either had to sell it all (give it away more like) or breathe new life into it. And I've always had a soft spot for my Rega Planar 3. I had it at my parents house, took it to university and it has come with me as we have moved house in my married life. Vinyl and the wife have not been easy bedfellows. Not happy with me using her "good display cabinet" in the lounge for storing about 300 LP's and 200 45's and having black electronic boxes on tables everywhere was a battle she eventually won when it was al banished to the garage! My goodness, I even bought a sleek, shiny silver, two- box mini system with small speakers as a compromise.Reading this thread makes me glad I don't have a turntable anymore!
I must admit since I got the new kit earlier this year I haven't played a single LP.Reading this thread makes me glad I don't have a turntable anymore!
As you say it's one of the best protractors available but out of reach for many. Excellent if you're a frequent cartridge swapper though.Let us know how you get on Danny. Don't be afraid to ask more questions, that's what we're here for. I'm not sure what alignment your protractor is set for: Lofgren, Stevenson, or Baerwald.
I know what you mean about expensive tools for turntable set-up. A few years ago I purchased one of those Dr Feickert protractors, it was expensive but has saved me so much time, it has paid for itself many times over.
I must admit since I got the new kit earlier this year I haven't played a single LP.
The former. The way this kit presents CD playback is so good that I haven't even thought about spinning a black disc yet. I'm sure I will eventually but for now I'm more than content with just digital.At the risk of hijacking the thread, is that just because you're now sufficiently happy with the CD, or are there other reasons?