Valve amp - no sound left channel


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me?

I borrowed a working Fatman itube 252 from a friend and got it home. I wired it up and switched it on. There were a few crackles from the speakers and flashes from one of the power tubes (no smell of burning). Then the left channel did not produce any sound.

I thought this was the tube so swapped tubes over expecting the problem to migrate to the right channel. Problem solved? No. The left channel still does not work. Swapped over tubes, in sequence. No change.

Checked and swapped interconnect connections. Left does not work.

Checked and swapped speaker connections. Left does not work.

So it seems that the tubes and connections are fine. Does anyone know how to fix this?

By the way, speaker hiss can be heard in the left channel speaker.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would be extremely grateful.

Best regards,

Unless you know what you're doing use technical support. I am unfamiliar with the fatman amp but do know that some valve amps run at very high voltages.

If you really must poke around inside (and I dont recommend this), keep one hand in your pocket at all times ;-)
Many thanks chebby and PJPro.

My mate is contacting Fatman to find out what the problem may be (fuse maybe?). I'm sure my fault finding has been thorough and the problem is inside the unit.

Never mind. I wonder if I'll ever get to listen to a valve amp!


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