Using Two Cyrus X-Powers to Bi-Amp Speakers


New member
Jan 16, 2013
After a discussion on another board, I thought I would share the response I got from Cyrus's main man on the correct way to use two X-Powers to bi-amp or bi-wire or something in between (let's not get caught up on semantics, please) a pair of ProAc Studio 140s.

I expect the advice applies equally to any speakers with bi-wire terminals like the ProAcs (where removing the jumpers between terminals commpletely isolates the HF/MF and LF sides) and probably to other stereo power amps as well.

Hello D,

Looking at the PDF, you are indeed running your system in dual mono mode. Bi-amping bridged would require four X Powers, with each set to mono and driving only the low or high terminals.

I would agree that you may not be getting the best out of the system in this setup – at best you will be getting 4x 50W and it looks like you also have a phase error.

I would recommend one of the following solutions:-

Leave the speaker cabling as is, set the amplifiers to stereo and use a short interconnect to link the L chain output to the R input on both amplifiers – This will give you a dual mono setup (bi-amping) without the phase error and output power of about 4x 80W.


Leave the interconnects and amplifier settings as they are but connect your HF and LF speaker + connections to the M+ terminal and your HF and LF – connections to the M- terminal, repeat for other channel – this will give you a stereo bridged setup (mono bi-wiring) without the phase error and output power of about 2x 180W.

Kind regards,

Chris C

Training and Technical Support Manager

Cyrus Audio

I transcribed what I think Chris told me into the PDF below. I think you can all figure out for yourselves what he meant about using two or four X-Powers set in mono mode (and I presume, by extension two or four Mono-Xs as an alternative).


drummerman said:
I thought you don't put commas after the introductory greeting anymore ... .

Sum of us are still "old skool", apparently, and beleev in proper punktuashun grammer n spelin (sic)
drummerman said:

Unfortunately, not many of us cyrus users here.

Appreciate that, most of 'em have left the board, out of frustration with the "my Argos stereo sounds just as good as your posh one" and the "expensive cables don't matter" brigade, I think.

Anyway, the setup notes apply just as much to other power amps and bi-wireable speakers as they do to Cyrus ones, so they should prove a useful aide memoire for others.
drummerman said:
I thought you don't put commas after the introductory greeting anymore ... .

I've used commas and found they opened up the soundstage, even my wife heard the difference.
I found that using commas is a sure fired way to attract noise. I.e. my wife interrupting me every time I open my mouth.... :-(
What actually is the point of bi-amping speakers?

Active speakers I understand, using a low level crossover or dsp filter prior to the amps and having one amp per driver is in my opinion best practice - but bi amping? Just don't get it.


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