Upsampling Dac and Alac/iTunes


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2007
I`m considering buying an upsampling dac such as the Eletrocompaniet ECD1 or Moon 300D. I have ripped my cd`s in Apple Lossless within iTunes so my question is will the dac be able to upsample these files or will I have to convert to another format and/or media player?
My guess is that the DAC will take whatever is thrown at it. Your player will be the deciding factor.
Why do you want the DAC to upsample the files? If they are lossless, then the DAC should convert at the native bit depth / rate. In any case, I think its the source that sets the bit rate, not the DAC, so if you want to upsample, you need to configure itunes to do that, and at a rate that your DAC can convert.

EDIT re-read your original post, its an upsampling DAC. In which case why do you want to upsample lossless files / what is the benefit?
steve, your dacmagic upsamples. most modern dacs do. the dacmagic has a fixed output of 24bit/192khz.

to the op, your lossless files will be fine.
not sure steve, i read something about it a while back but damned if i can remember what it said.
it can be used to reduce jitter, but not sure if that's the function in the dacmagic - think it's something to do with aliasing and moving its effects above audible frequencies. don't ask me what aliasing is, i haven't a clue!
SteveR750:whats the benefit, or reason?

Thanks for the replies,this is a quote from the Electrocompaniet website

"The ECD1 is a 24Bit 192KHz upsampler DAC accepting 16 - 24Bit input and upsample it to 24Bit resolution. This will give app. 10dB more headroom by lowering the noise floor, with more details reproduced."

So still clear as mud then!
basshound:SteveR750:whats the benefit, or reason?Thanks for the replies,this is a quote from the Electrocompaniet website"The ECD1 is a 24Bit 192KHz upsampler DAC accepting 16 - 24Bit input and upsample it to 24Bit resolution. This will give app. 10dB more headroom by lowering the noise floor, with more details reproduced."So still clear as mud then!

Well, a clear advantage according to EC.

I only ask as I have read many comments on other forums questioning whether upsampling was effective, indeed a few suggesting the opposite, none with any explanation other than is it doesn't improve SQ, and might make it work.

EDIT work = worse
it's all down to synergy with your other kit Steve, rather then saying upsampling doesn't work. the best dac is the one that complements your other kit.
Craig M.:it's all down to synergy with your other kit Steve, rather then saying upsampling doesn't work. the best dac is the one that complements your other kit.

Ttotally agree - the coments I have read have all been within the same kit as far as I could tell.

I can get J River to resample everything at 96k, but they admit its probably pointless. I have to say I am impressed with the DACmagic - it's better than I cold have hoped for. Even Spotify sounds great.


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